Saturday, December 28, 2013


Ah, finally a few moments to sit down and recap our Christmas celebrations from the week.  We were very busy each day, and as expected, Maggie got sick again.  She was a total trooper everywhere we went, but I think fewer naps and an irregular schedule made for an exhausted little girl.  Warning: this post has an excessive amount of photos!

Brace yourself, it's a long one!

On Christmas Eve, we made our traditional visit to Frankenmuth to visit Santa, shop for ornaments at Bronner's and eat a delicious "chicken dinner" lunch at Bavarian Inn.  Maggie was absolutely traumatized by Santa this year.  She first met him at Bronner's and started screaming the second I put her on Santa's lap.  Then Aunt Amy and Uncle Rex thoughtfully ordered a very special stocking to be delivered to Maggie at lunch... she liked the stocking which had toys and a personalized ornament, but was very upset that Santa delivered it!  Every time he came into the dining room to give another kid a stocking, Maggie cowered and whined.  We'll try to prepare her better next year!

Why are you doing this to me!?
Waiting in line with Uncle Justin

Get out of my face, it's cuddle time!

This isn't an old-timey photo, Maggie,
you can actually smile

Being a stinker for her godmother

That's a little better!

All the Donoghue kids

Hanging out with Grammer at lunch

The Donoghue siblings

We went to the children's mass at Guardian Angels, making sure to get there 30 minutes early... the church was already full!  The only spot left was the first row, so we took our seats there.  Maggie was rather fussy during mass, and I kept trying to get her to eat something.  I brought those squeeze-packs of food for her, but she wanted nothing more than the cap.  So I let her play with the cap and set the food down... but did not really think about what I was doing.  In the middle of the homily, we realized that Jamie had sat on the food and it squeezed out everywhere!  I was able to get most of cleaned up (thank goodness for baby wipes!), but Jamie still had a big spot of Mango Delight on his booty - good thing we were in the front row for all to see!  I'm still waiting to be forgiven for this one...

Christmas Day was very busy for us - we woke up around 7am and opened a couple gifts at home.  Daddy made our traditional bread pudding, and then we scrambled to get everything packed up and ready for the day ahead.  We went to the Donoghue house to open gifts - Maggie got some special new toys, including a new scooter from Grandma and Grandpa!  She did pretty well tearing the wrapping paper too!  We had a really hard time getting Maggie to nap, so she was pretty cranky towards the afternoon.

I love playing with Grandma!

Daddy will help me

Let's open it right now!!

We drove to my Aunt Marleen's for Christmas dinner, and decided to keep driving around so that Maggie could sleep in the car a little longer.  We drove through my old subdivision to look at my old house - it was actually rather emotional, I really miss that place.  The current owners only made a few minor changes - though they got rid of the holly bushes!  I'm very offended!

Tylenol please

Snuggles with Aunt Allison

Luke knows all about opening presents this year! 

My brother Bobby with an
important message

Christmas night Maggie started to run a fever.  It got up to 102 degrees, and we were getting really nervous.  At one point she just started babbling non-stop for 10 minutes, and I couldn't get her to look at me or react to anything.  I was ready to take her to the ER, but then her fever finally broke.  We took her to the doctor the following day, and got more antibiotics for another ear infection.  This is her third infection in the past few months, and the doctor mentioned the possibility of tubes if this keeps occurring.  On a gross side note, our doctor recommended the NoseFrida to suck out Maggie's nose because we just can't get the bulb aspirators to work - it looks really gross, but is a total lifesaver.  I recommend it for anyone with a baby!

Waiting for the doctor...

Yesterday we celebrated with my side of the family at my parents house.  My brother and sister were both in town, which was really great!  Most of my nieces and nephews were there too!  The annual foosball tournament was held, and I was absolutely useless to my partner Alex... Uncle Jamie and Gilly crushed it in the final match, winning the hollowed Peg-Leg trophy!

Fierce competition

Zach, enthusiastic as ever!


Family photo 

Hanging out before dinner

Our photo with Grace-the-Great!

All four siblings together!

The original six

Most of the grandchildren

Maggie received some beautiful gifts this Christmas, but I think the most special was her rocking chair.  I remember this chair so well, and I'm so happy to have it here at home:

My fancy new rocking chair!

We have more hosting and visiting to do in the next few days, so I need to get some work done around the house - Merry Christmas to all!

Monday, December 23, 2013

We all had a very nice weekend together, got a lot of stuff done, went to church and had a little free time to unwind.  Then came Sunday night (insert horror music here)... I thought I knew what food poisoning felt like, but I definitely underestimated the power of some bad food.  Jamie and I were up all night long - looks like Maggie avoided whatever caused it, so that's a relief.  Grandma took Maggie for the afternoon today so we could rest up - I'm pretty sure we've spent the entire day in bed or on the couch.  Hopefully we'll be back at 100% for Christmas Eve tomorrow!

Mommy and Daddy look terrible,
but I'm still looking fab!

Here's our little cowgirl in action:

Eating some apple:

What, you think that just because you're
half the size of my head, I won't eat you?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Quick update

Our Maggie Moo is finally feeling better after a week of being sick.  The poor thing had every symptom in the book!  She's not eating much food, but considering her physique, I'm not too concerned!

Not much else is new with Maggie this week.  We are going to visit Santa on Christmas Eve, looking forward to that!  Here's a few photos from the week:

Can I coach the Wolverines next year?

Strike a pose

I love the things Maggie teaches me... the importance of screwing
on lids securely

Reading me a story

Sunday, December 8, 2013

1st Birthday!

 One year ago I was totally overwhelmed and confused... and not much has changed!  Just kidding - this little girl has completely changed our lives in the best way possible.  It was such a joy to celebrate her this week.

We went for her 12-month checkup on Wednesday.  Maggie is still in the 95 percentile for height and weight (currently 25 lb - 6 oz)!  They said she is looking good and has reached most of her milestones for this age.  Maggie loves dancing to music, climbing over things, crawling all over the place, climbing up the stairs and babbling lots of stories.  She loves her Snoopy stuffed animal... not sure why, she used to be terrified of stuffed animals!

I'm ready for my party now

Maggie celebrated her first birthday on Saturday with the family!  It was a bit crowded, but definitely a fun time!  Maggie got some awesome gifts, and did a pretty good job opening them, though we had some sensory overload towards the end.  Unfortunately Grandma Donoghue wasn't feel very well, so she had to celebrate remotely with us.  Maggie definitely missed her!

Cuddling with Grammer and Pops

Luke showed Maggie the ropes

Playing some tunes before dinner

She thoroughly enjoyed her cake... especially the sugary icing!  One of Jamie's students made Maggie an awesome cake:


This song is for me?!

I think I'll start right here...

Oh yea, that's the good stuff
Luke is always willing to help


By the end of the day (by which I mean 6:30pm), Maggie was pooped.  She actually let me rock her to sleep, which hasn't happened in a while - it was awesome.

Today we found that Maggie got sick in her crib overnight and she's running a fever today... sigh... here we go again!

I might be sick, but I can still play with all
my new toys!