Thursday, June 23, 2022

June is for partying

We had a great Father's Day weekend with beautiful weather.  Jamie had a end-of-the-year party for his fellow teachers on Saturday, and some of them can party hard!  Sunday we did church and lunch with my parents, and then headed over to the Donoghues for dinner.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Guys hanging by the pond

The kids and I made a gift for the king of Lego...

Our address sign was super lame, so we added
some character (so classy)

The start of the teacher party... so many shots...

Earlier this month we hosted a bunch of Maggie's friends for her belated birthday party... since it's hard to have a pool party in December.  It was a total success - the pool is amazing, it just keeps kids happy and entertained for hours!  I also planned a scavenger hunt (Maggie loves solving clues) that turned out to be kind of intense with 10 girls frantically looking for answers... at the end their treasure was a pineapple pinata that took a lot of work to break!

Hula chicks

She had a mix of friends from school, her old school and
the neighborhood - they got along great!


Getting ready for their dance-off-dives

June also meant the end of the school year and the end of soccer season.  The girls both did really well and are excited to be moving up a grade!  Their school had a fun end-of-year event with bounce houses and other fun activities.  For the summer, Jamie and the girls are going to camp in Grosse Pointe a couple days a week, and he is home with them the rest of the week.   

Maggie's girl troupe

Ben loved the obstacle course... probably
climbed this 25 times!

Field Day fun!

Ready to compete!

Last game for Girl Talk!

Love these Unicorns!

Very proud with their medals

Evie's class each had to come up with a topic for "Teach the Teacher" day.  Evie decided to teach them about soccer, demonstrating dribbling, pull-backs and fast footwork.  Her teacher sent me this photo and said she did a great job!

I'm here to tell you about soccer

We let the girls have some friends over to swim last weekend, and it turned into a fun barbecue!  Evie was thrilled because she lost another tooth!

All the blood
I loved how her girlfriends were there to support her!

If only we could reach the ground, we'd be unstoppable!

2-minute meal for the kids, then back in the pool!

Baby Jane was dedicated earlier this month, and was such a good little girl the whole time! 

So good for Mom and Dad!


Some other random shots:

First day of camp!

Best buds

Did my annual golf tournament with some fun people
(and it was clear I only golf once per year)

Daddy is brainwashing them into Lego junkies

The girls' piano teacher said to start bringing Ben, so now
he gets like 5 minutes of teaching too!

Ready to continue our summer fun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Stars and Stripes

We had a patriotic weekend for Memorial Day!  The girls' school does "Red White and Blue Day" each year which was a nice event.  The kids sing a lot of patriotic songs, and they honor all the veterans that were able to attend.  Uncle John's name made it on Evie's class poster.  Maggie has been practicing her memorized line for a month now, and did a great job speaking!

Evie got to sit in the front row for the assembly - cutie pie

Spotted Maggie in the parade beforehand

Maggie's speaking role:

Over the long weekend Jamie and I worked and worked and worked.  The kitchen is 95% done and is now usable!  So we were cleaning, moving everything back into place, getting rid of garbage, cleaning out the garage and basement, prepping the pool, doing yardwork - I'm tired just writing about it!  The Donoghues took our kiddos on Sunday for the big parade in St. Clair Shores and then kept them for the day so we could keep working (thank you!).

On the lookout for candy!

Cuddles with baby Jane


On Monday we finally enjoyed our house - pool time and yummy food with family!

Cousin takeover

Maggie and Luke kept busy in the pool all day

Ben did not have daycare on Friday, so he helped me clean the house and then we had a fun day with just the two of us.  We had fun at the park across the street, looking for ants and rocks.

He really though he could reattach this branch
to the tree

Ben had his first visit to the dentist!  He did so good, and I could tell he was a little anxious but followed all the directions.  The office staff loved this guy.

I have 10,000 questions

We celebrated Grandma's birthday earlier this month!  Dinner at the house, and then most of the family went to see the new Dr. Strange movie - Maggie was thrilled because Scarlet Witch was a main character.
Happy birthday to you!

Gotta put that costume to use!

Movie time

We also had Claire's birthday - sweetest little girl!


Claire's crew

Trying to get a picture of the birthday girl,
and everyone else felt the need to join in!

Some others:
I love this boy so much

When you didn't grab enough towels!  
First swim of the season!

Starting young

Mother's Day happened in here too... this was the only
photo I got, oops!