Sunday, June 28, 2015

Belated Two Month

So I'm only a week+ late with Evie's two month photo, but life has been busy around here!  We took the photo on the right day, just didn't get around to posting it.

Evie at Two months!

Here's Maggie at two months for comparison

Evie had her two-month checkup this week, and did fantastic!  She is following Maggie's trend with a 97 percentile for weight (13 lb 1 oz) and 90 percentile for height (23.5 in).  She was a very good girl for the doctor and was pretty tough for her vaccinations.

The doctor's office is fun!

Wait.  Did I hear something about a shot?

Evie continues to be all smiles for anyone who looks at her.  She has such a happy and peaceful personality!  Her eyes are starting to change to brown, or possibly hazel.  

Grandma says my name should be Joy

In case you're not from Michigan, let me tell you that Saturday was the ugliest day in June that I can recall.  We had Zach and Gilly's grad party in the afternoon, and then a wedding celebration for Lisa and Ryan afterward... and there was no sun, lots of rain and wind, and some gnashing of teeth.  I felt so bad!  I'm sure there were a bunch of weddings and parties scheduled, and it was so yucky out!

Cheers to the happy couple!

As in all gloomy times, food makes everything better!  We had awesome barbecue at the grad party, and then Coney dogs with Michigan brews at the wedding!

Are you salivating?

I went back to work on Thursday, and it went pretty well.  There's a lot of work to do, but I prefer to be busy, so it's a good thing!  This transition was a little easier than with Maggie.  I think it helps that Jamie is home with the girls for the summer, so I don't feel as guilty about leaving them.  I missed my girls, but it was pretty great to use my noggin and talk with other adults.  I'm sure the novelty will wear off :)

Jamie took the girls to the zoo again this week, with his mom to help out.  They had a great time as always!

Look what I can do!

Hoping for a polar bear sighting

Maggie is so polite, kindly staying out of the seal's way:

Train ride with Grandma!

Daddy, there's a bear coming!

Please don't feed me to the bears!

Here's a few other photos from the week:

Maggie has been sleeping like this since she
was 6 months old

Look at these cheeks!

Maggie selected this lovely outfit
for a stroll to the park

Climbing the mountain so see Princess Elsa

Another stunning wardrobe choice

Still rocking the headband

I'm sad that Game of Thrones is over... but just remember...

Monday, June 22, 2015

Baptism and Father's Day

Our little heathen was baptized on Sunday!  We were so happy that our friend Fr. Brian was able to perform the baptism for her.  It was his first baptism as a priest, and it was very special.  Evie was a good sport for the whole event.  She was anointed with oil two times during the service, and each time she gave a sweet little smile, you would think she heard God talking to her directly.

Evelyn Rose, child of God

Here's Evie all ready for her last mass
before joining the club

Action shot

With Fr. Brian, Godmother Aunt Jody
and Godfather Uncle Jason

Pretty cool

Happy Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Justin came home for our celebrations

All smiles

They make a good pair

Pretty please, Godfather, can I
pull your beard hair?

With my special little girl

Kids got a little bored during the baptism,
so they played in the "splash pool" outside

After church we had a barbecue at the house to celebrate both the baptism and also all the dads in our family.  Though thunderstorms were predicted for most of the day, we ended up with a beautiful, sunny day!  

Happy Father's Day, Pops!

Uncle Justin and Will couldn't handle all the partying

Maggie had so much fun with Kate.  She woke up this
morning and said, "I am Anna and Kate is Sophia
my best friend"

Evie likes nothing more than being held

We were all so exhausted after the party.  Maggie missed her nap, and she feel asleep sitting up in a very awkward position.  I let her and Daddy nap on the couch while cleaning up the house.

So content

I was so grateful that my sister Jody and her family could come from Maryland for the big day.  We had some time to hang out with them earlier in the week.  Maggie especially had fun playing with her cousin Alex.  She doesn't see them often, so I was showing her pictures of the Polons before the visit so that she would know their names.  She still refers to Jody as "Miss Jody" instead of "Aunt Jody," but at least she has the name right!

Maggie wanted to drive home from Grammer and Pops'

Cuddling cousins

Evie seems to approve of her godmother

Playing ball!

These pesky dinosaurs are a real pain to get rid of

...but they're pretty darn cute

Gilly imitating Evie.
I really love this photo.

Cousins!  Evie is not impressed.

We went to the zoo earlier in the week.  It wasn't anything special, but we had a great time as a family.  Jamie said he "wanted to take Maggie" to see the new dinosaur exhibit (translation: "So awesome, I have a kid that gives me an excuse to see the dinosaurs!").  Maggie was pretty scared a few times, but Jamie said she was okay for most of it.  She loved the "excavation pit" at the end, and making dinosaur footprints.

Looking at some zebras I think?

Onward, dino!

She's a big fan of the train

Making her mark on the world

We received very sad news this week that my cousin Mikey passed away rather suddenly.  He was only 25 years old and it was a big shock.  We went to the funeral today and it just broke my heart.  I really hope he is at peace.  

Here's a few other photos from the week: 

Maggie tried to purchase Evie for about fifteen minutes

Grabbing a quick beer like the terrific
parents that we are

Happy girl in her daddy's arms

Let me out! I want to see my little sister!

One of the roughest pictures of the girls... Jamie felt
it was meme-worthy