Thursday, July 27, 2017

Zoo time

We love our zoo membership!  Jamie and Justin took the girls to the zoo this week, and also met up with our friend Adam and his daughter.  Good times!

Kid's Uber

Guess who?

Rock stars?

Visit Maggie's favorite horses, Buster and Trio

Jamie and the girls love to sit at the bottom of the stairs and throw balls up the stairs (soft ones!) and try to catch them when they fall down.  He swears it’s therapeutic, so I gave it a try… something very satisfying about it!  My goal is to throw a  ball to the stop step and get it to bounce on every step on the way down.  So far, no luck with that.  Yup, this is the exciting life of parenting.

I can’t help but keep posting Maggie’s dance videos – they bring me joy!

A few others:

This ballerina is tired

Grandma snuggles

The Burger King monarchy!

Playground spying

Test tube babies

Where there is a puddle, there is Evie

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Short and Sweet - like my kids

Not much to report this week – summer is flying by!  Maggie really loves her dance class, Evie really loves going potty.  Life is good!  Here’s some photos / video from the week:

Hanging out with buddies

Still our baby


No pants. No shame.

When Evie gets to pick her own outfit

What Maggie felt the need to do in the middle of the night

Based on Maggie's love of Moana, we decided to see what a coconut tastes like this week.  Maggie was a little wary, but eventually took a bite and sipped the juice.  She liked it!  Evie wanted nothing to do with it.

Coconut mouse

Copy-cat mouse

Want some? (Evie with the photo-bomb)

Sprinkler fun at Grandma's:

Woo hoo!

Solo moment for Maggie:

Evie tried out one of the classes - loved it!

Our tiny dancer

Moana and mini-Moana

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Summertime fun

We celebrated cousin Will’s 3rd birthday this weekend!  The weather was gorgeous, the kids were cute, food was yummy – a great Saturday!  The kids had fun in a bounce-house and racing around in little cars for the “Mickey and the Roadster Racers” party.  We all went swimming towards the end, awesome pool!

The Birthday Boy!

Snuggling with his girls

Bounce time

"Come on Grandma"

Pondering deep thoughts

Swing buddies!

When you're too freaked out for face paint

Pretty much all the kids got a dinosaur on their arm
(so did most of the grown-ups)

Also dino tattoo buddies
Roadster racing with Uncle Justin
Evie was a little freaked, but ended up loving the pool

You can never have too much flotation

On Sunday, Jamie was invited to a party to celebrate a friend’s daughter’s 5-year cancer remission!  Jamie took Maggie who had an amazing time!  There was a giant inflatable slide with a pool at the bottom, pretty awesome!

Epic slide!

Maggie had her first dance class this week.  She’s signed up for 6 classes that involve little ones dancing with princesses.  She has always shown an interest, so Grandma thought it might be a good thing to try out.  She was ecstatic, and couldn’t wait to show us all her moves – love to see her so happy!

Posing with her princess teachers

Superhero Day was this week at camp, so Maggie proudly donned her Wonder Woman costume, and Jamie was a ninja turtle... again... that costume has gotten a lot of use!

Tonight, we dine in hell!

Hangin with Supergirl

Stunt doubles for the ninja turtles

That's a pretty cool (actually nearing heat stroke) Dad

Evie is still doing pretty well with the potty training – there’s been a little bit of regression, but we’re still moving in the right direction!

Playing legos with Daddy

Thursday, July 6, 2017

It’s Potty Time!

We decided the long holiday weekend would be a good time to officially start potty-training Evie.  She took to it like a champ, I couldn’t believe it!  I think we’ve only cleaned up a few accidents in the beginning, and now she totally gets it.  We still haven’t tried going out in public, but I think she’d be just fine.  Having an older sister to watch for two years definitely helped with the process.  We’re so proud of our little Evie!!

Yay Evie!!

Maggie is very proud of herself because she now takes grown-up showers and can do it all herself (with a little oversight from me).  Evie of course had to get in on the action, so now she loves to shower too!  I need to get a little grippy mat for the tub though, they keep slipping and sliding everywhere!

We had an awesome 4-day weekend with the girls!  On Sunday we celebrated Grandpa’s birthday!

Cuddles while waiting for our table

Taking it easy

Watching Moana

Grandpa always lets the kids feed the fish

Uncle Jason's gigantic tortoise!

 On Monday we all went to the zoo together – hot but fun!

Train ride!

Hungry for lunch!

For the 4th, we grilled brats and corn, and walked to get ice cream.  Thankfully the girls slept through all the noisy fireworks in our area (I’m getting crotchety).

Sporting her festive hat, made at camp

Ice cream!

Concession girls

Yesterday was Will’s 3rd birthday, and Jamie took the girls to meet-up at an amazing splash-pad!  The girls had so much fun, and I really want to check it out for myself!  Looking forward to his big party this weekend!

Happy Birthday, Will!

So sweet

Water cannon!

Drying off with Daddy

In her element

Here’s some others from the week:

Playing around

Safety first

Still working on her form
Afternoon drive

Sprinkler frolicking

(she's got that cookbook cover face)