Thursday, September 28, 2017

Music and Tigers and Stuff

Maggie attended her first concert this weekend, the Counting Crows.  We got tickets for Jamie’s dad as a birthday gift, and Maggie was really psyched to see the band.  It was at DTE, and we all squished together on the hill.  Maggie had a really great time, but was really tired by 9pm when they finished their set.  Matchbox 20 was on afterward, but we all decided to head for home to avoid a meltdown!

I can't believe we get to hang out with this cool chick

First concert!

So excited!

Night photo on the lawn

Evie is currently favoring me as her go-to parent, and is sometimes downright mean to Jamie!  Poor guy will do anything for her, but she's not interested.  He's been trying to win her over, it's pretty cute.

Sitting on top of the car.
Guess which parent did this?


Maggie was evaluated for physical therapy earlier this week, and they definitely think she could use some help.  She’s doing ok, but the way she walks/runs isn’t distributing the weight properly on her  feet.  Looks like we’ll be getting some orthodics for her shoes and probably several months of physical therapy.  Fortunately Maggie had a good time doing all the exercises, so this hopefully won’t be a big deal!

Clown girl

Our cousin Donna hooked up Bishop Foley with some awesome Tigers tickets for Sunday's game!  We had a lot of fun despite the oppressive heat!  The girls were getting a little loopy towards the end, and napped like angels!

Obligatory photo
On the ferris wheel!

...and the carousel... with heat stroke

Here’s a bunch of other random photos:

Lunch date!

Smoosh hugs

This is what Evie looks like on our monitor...
it's terrifying.

My girls!

Shots, shots shots shots shots!

Lunch at the Farmers Market

Training with Mickey and Minnie


Friday, September 22, 2017

Quick Post

It’s been a hectic week and I failed to get many pictures… luckily Grandma took some hilarious videos of the girls playing teacher.  The video is a little fuzzy, but they both crack me up. As a disclaimer, I’m pretty sure Maggie has many friends and is very happy at school...

Happy at dance class
(mom forgot her ballet slippers...)

Last swim of the season!

When it's halfway between summer and fall,
you dress accordingly

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Artsy Week

Maggie started her new dance class this week at the local recreation center.  It was a little hectic with kids everywhere for a bunch of different programs.  I was proud of her… she said several times that she was a little nervous when we got there, and I could tell she wanted to cry and go home, but she proudly went in to the class, and was totally fine by the end of it.

A gaggle of girls

Evie really wanted to be in the class... but had to settle
for hovering at the door the whole time

A local artist did a huge mural along two sides of a restaurant downtown, and invited kids to help finish the work by spray painting part of the wall… which he will somehow turn into art later?  Anyway, we met up with one of Maggie’s besties from school.  Spray painting was pretty difficult for such a young age, but Daddy lent her a hand.  It was a fun little activity, though the girls really just enjoyed chasing each other around.

A gang of hooligans
Daughter's first tag

The artist

All the kiddos

Maggie and her bud

Jamie and I had a wedding this past weekend, so the Rabines took our girls overnight.  They got to go to the St. Lawrence Apple Fest and have all sorts of fun with their cousins.  Maggie fell in love with their fickle cat, pumpkin… almost makes me want to get a cat… except for the allergies and general dislike of cats…


 Sunday I went out to dinner with my Dad's side of the family to celebrate his 72nd birthday!  Almost all the aunts/uncles came to this yummy polish restaurant!

The Rabine clan

Ready for picture day at school

Evie being a goof-ball at dinner:

Friday, September 8, 2017

Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend was a fabulous, relaxing weekend in the Donoghue house… we did practically nothing and it was glorious!  We’ve been so busy lately, and we have a lot of things coming up – it was great to sit around and hang as a family for a few days.

I love when they place so nicely together

Their favorite hiding spot in the house

We took Maggie to the doctor last Friday to discover that she had strep throat, so now she’s on antibiotics.  Then the next day we took her in to get her physical and four shots.  She was such a trooper!  The doctor spent some time talking about her growth stats.  Her weight is no longer in-line with her height, and so we are going to be focusing on more healthy snacks, cutting out the nutrition-less stuff… which is probably something we need to do anyway!  The doctor also recommended that we schedule some physical therapy to check on her muscle tone and coordination; there are no major concerns, but we want to make sure her club-feet don’t hold her back as she gets older.

Wild girl

Good morning!

Uncle Jason snuggles

I took the girls for haircuts last weekend.  Evie has always needed me to hold her for haircuts since they freak her out a bit… this time she was finally able to sit by herself!

Didn't cry once, but was extremely serious the whole time

Maggie started school on Wednesday, and jumped right into the new routine!  She loves her new teacher!

She insisted on wearing a dress
(she pretty much insists every morning)

Ready to get started

First day at Pre-K 4s with Mrs. Rowe

Friday, September 1, 2017

Fall is for Football

This past weekend we went to Foley’s first football game!  The girls had fun playing around, Maggie found one of her buddies from school.  Unfortunately, Maggie bit it hard while playing under the bleachers.  She banged up her knee and elbow pretty good… then she poked herself in the eye that night… the girl is a walking-accident lately – Jamie and I were almost thinking we should get her checked out!  Injuries have subsided for now, just hoping that she is going through a growth spurt and is getting used to her limbs!

Photo cred - Rebecca Lama 

Best seat in the house


Evie’s vocabulary is ever-growing, and I just love listening to her talk lately.  I keep trying to get conversations on camera, but she is not a willing participant!  Here's a little bit:

Maggie visited her new preschool room this week and “met” her new teacher who she knows pretty well from last year.  Maggie says that she’s excited but a little nervous about her new school year because she doesn’t know all the rules yet.  I’m a bad mom and forgot to get a picture…

Maggie-sized tower
 Since we cut back to one day per week with daycare during the summer, Evie had a hard time adjusting and saying goodbye in the morning.  We are now back to three days a week, and she seems to be doing better with the transition (though a little depressed when I leave).

Evie loves being on Maggie's bed

Maggie’s favorite homemade meal (not counting junk food dinners) is meatloaf and Mom’s homemade cheese (a.k.a. shredded cheese purchased from the store).  One of our favorite desserts is to make s’mores in the microwave (sooo classy)… Maggie thought they were called smurfs, and so we now refer to it as smurf dessert.  Evie is all over the place with food… sometimes she’ll eat everything I make, other times she’ll eat two bites of fruit and be done for the night.  Milk and yogurt are always a pleaser though.  She always begs to have dessert along with Maggie, but usually just leaves it all on the table after one bite (not sure she’s my daughter).

Trying to escape jail with Daddy


Dress-up with Queen Grandma

Bubble time at Grandma's library

Here is a video of Maggie being a sassy-pants.  Jamie often offers Maggie a quarter if she'll walk on his back, and now she thinks you need a quarter to get someone to do something...