Sunday, June 24, 2018

Father’s Day

We had a busy Father's Day celebrating the important dudes in our life!  So busy that I failed to get many pictures... doh.  We had my side of the family over for lunch and playtime, and then did dinner with Jamie's side later on.  Jamie finished all the final touches on our kitchen by 5pm the night before!  The poor guy worked like 16 hours a day for the entire week.  I love it - pictures to come when I remember to actually do that!

Pops and his youngest grandbabies

The dinosaur fairy garden the girls made for Jamie

Grandpa and his girls

Jamie and the girls started day camp last week, where Jamie is the art teacher.  Maggie went last year, and loves it.  Evie has a crisis each day.  Preschoolers only go for the morning hours, and she is inconsolable the whole time.  She will not stay with her group and runs into Daddy’s art room as soon as he leaves her.  I think she’s a little young, plus there’s like 30 other kids in her group and mostly young counselors.  All weekend she asked if she had to go to camp the next day with tears in her eyes!  This poor girl is so anxious about it, I think we might need to find alternate plans for her summer.

Thankfully they have Mondays off, so the girls get a fun day to relax with Dad.

Tracking dinosaurs

Found one!

There's my happy girl

Joyful spirit

Home Depot run with Daddy

A few others from the week:

One of Maggie's dearest friends from camp

Had to go see Jurassic World the day it came out!  I did not feel need to go...

Jamie and his bros having a fun night out

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Girls Day

Last Saturday Jamie had to help set up at his summer job (day camp), so the girls and I had a special date.  Our library had a kick-off reading event for summer, so we got to check out a little petting zoo, get free popcorn, watch some young violinists and make several crafts.  The girls had a great time, and I think they could have stayed at the petting zoo all day.  We grabbed some pizza for lunch (after washing our hands!) and then headed home.  A lovely little outing!

Bashful on the bumblebee

Gently petting a hen, both girls were into it!

Very cautious

So soft, mama!

Of course this was Maggie's favorite animal of the day

Making a pet rock

Here's some randoms:

When you just want to rest on the couch... 

Helping Daddy take all the spacers out from the backsplash...

Jamie took his Dad to Paul Simon's farewell tour as an early Fathers Day gift

Our new bike rider can go all the way around the block (vvvvvvery slowly)

All smiles all the time

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Sweet endings and new beginnings

Last weekend my MIL threw a surprise "sprinkle" for Amy, who is due in a couple months!  We're excited to meet her sweet little girl!  

Proud parents

Amy's little helper with the gifts

When you need to entertain your 5-year old...
1,000,000 selfies later

Maggie's last day of preschool was last Friday!  I have really enjoyed watching her grow this year, and am in constant awe of her spongy brain!

First day of preschool 4's
Last day of preschool 
Such a wonderful and loving teacher, Ms. Rowe!

One of her buddies who will be going to kindergarten with Maggie next year

Another buddy who is not (and we try not to dwell on it)
Here's one of the songs they sang for us:

Hanging with Daddy at work after the half-day


Some others from the week:

They packed their backpacks and announced they were leaving on vacation!

When your sister has a cushy booty

Jamie's photo montage from the Tiger game a couple weeks ago

This is a video of the girls playing together as they so often do... I love hearing them pretend together, and Evie really loves putting dolls "in time out for not listening!"