Friday, December 20, 2019

Pre-Christmas update

We let Maggie have her first "friend" sleepover last weekend as part of her birthday surprise.  I took her and two friends to Ann Arbor to see the Nutcracker Ballet.  We had dinner at the original Cottage Inn (the girls were very impressed with the decorative grapes), and then we walked over to the theater.  I think they loved the first act.  When they realized it was intermission and not the end of the show, they started getting antsy.  

Good 'ol Ann Arbor

Popcorn for all

 We made it through and got home around 9:30 for donut cake, makeovers, crafts and playtime.  Maggie's friend showed up with a tooth she lost that day, so Maggie finally pulled out her snaggle-tooth, and the tooth fairy visited both girls LATE that night.

Late night makeover

Evie wanted to badly to be included in everything

I think everyone had fun, but Sunday was a tiring day to get through!

I got to observe the girls in dance class a couple weeks ago, here's a video of Evie... I can't seem to post Maggie's, probably because the music is copyright.  \

Hangin with her cool big sis

Ready for action

The following week at dance class, Maggie attempted to do toe-ballet (in very unsupportive shoes) and got a slight fracture on top of her right foot.  We took her to the orthopedic surgeon and she has to wear a boot for a few weeks, but she's basically fine.

I've been working really hard last week to sleep-train Ben.  He was waking up every night around 2 or 3am, and I either had to give him a bottle or bring him into our bed to get him to fall asleep again.  Not cool.  So I did the cry-it-out in timed increments method.  We started with 1.5 hours of crying with me checking on him every 10 minutes.  It tapered off over four nights, and now he is able to get himself back to sleep without me.  Please God let this last!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019 + Maggie's Birthday!

This year we all traveled to Maryland to celebrate Thanksgiving with all the Rabines.  We had such a wonderful time; we rarely all see each other around the holidays, so this was a special treat.  We stayed in an Air Bnb with Bobby's family, and all those young kids were so happy to be together.  Aside from bedtime, we really didn't have to do any parenting most of the weekend, win!

Big shout out to Jody and Ed who hosted us multiple times and created a delicious Thanksgiving feast!

Grandkids!  More family photos to come later
(cough. Jamie. download them)

My little family

Candy cane crooks
Mother / Daughter

Snuggles with Ben Ben

Snuggles with Bob Bob


The feeling is mutual

Football with the kids

Here's some videos my niece Alex edited.  They really encapsulate just how uncool we are as a family.

Allison bought adorable PJs for all the kids.  Not surprisingly, our youngest ones stubbornly refused to wear them...

Best picture ever?

Fawning over Ben

The Donoghues explored a little bit of Washington D.C., though the girls were not super into it, nor were their feet.  I enjoyed seeing things though!  Jody and Ed kindly watched Ben for the day, and I'm sure he loved all the attention!

White House

Family selfie

My favorite memorial
My beautiful girl

So. Much. Walking.

We were the only ones there!  (not)

A natural on the Metro
So mature

We celebrated Maggie's birthday a few days early with some family on Saturday... also watched Michigan lose to Ohio State (again), and then we drove home late into the night, uneventfully!

Happy Birthday, Maggie!
Go Blue

Some Wolverines in our family

Family birthday song!

Bros before Jo's

Maggie's birthday was on Tuesday - my baby is a big 7-year old!  I love this age - she is learning so many things, can read pretty well, is independent, though still loves to cuddle!

Birthday girl!

Make a wish

Maggie opens most gifts with this expression, so cute

Celebrating a day early with Justin

We got Maggie a hoverboard for her birthday gift - I am amazed how well she does on it!  I tried it and nearly killed myself!

A couple weeks ago I became godmother to Amy and Eric's daughter Emily.  She was so sweet and brave in front of the whole church!


Here is a video of Ben during bath time last night... couldn't quite figure out how to hold the water...

Phew, that's all for now - ramping up for the holidays!


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Life at 36

It was my birthday last week!  I had an extra special day thanks to Jamie's hard work.  Doughnut cake for the office, Starbucks coffee at my bedside, tickets to the UM/State game, flowers at work, lots of sweet gifts from the kids, and fancy steak dinner for two!  It was glorious!

Birthday girl with her crew
Check out my butterfly bling necklace, made by Evie

I will say this has been my toughest year so far, but also a year of abundant blessings.  I think I will look back on these years with young kids as an intense marathon and yet perhaps the happiest years.  My family is amazing and I am so grateful for everything we have.

Cupcake time!

Jamie and the girls made me penguin cupcakes
since my birthday was the coldest one on record

We also celebrated Sarah's 4th birthday last weekend.  Plus my nieces Sophie and Katy's are coming up - I'm in good company!

Love that little face

So does Luke

Hanging with Pops

My big gift from Jamie was tickets to Michigan / Michigan State game last Saturday!  We had a really fun, kid-free day!  It was chilly, but the sun was out and we were warmed by whiskey.

Fun day!


A few others

Evie is devoted to Ben, a very helpful babysitter!

After seeing the Little Mermaid play, with cousin Ryan as King Triton!

Maggie felt inspired

Getting ready for the big game tomorrow
Adorable bows courtesy of Aunt Amy!
This poor guy has been non-stop sick (yay daycare),
but is still pretty happy most of the time

Maggie did her first reading at school mass last week
(the heat was out at church)

Getting his hair did

Grandma bought these amazing hats from a craft show!

One day of leaf frolicking before the snow came!