Thursday, February 15, 2024

Ben is 5!

Ben turned 5 years old last week, and continues to be a ray of sunshine!  He is extremely concerned about growing up, and said that this would be his last birthday... Grandma talked him into one more birthday when he's 6, but that's it!  He figures that he'll get enough presents at Christmas each year, and can have birthday cake at everyone else's birthday party.  I think he's determined that if he doesn't grow up, he can't die... deep thoughts for this little one.

Happy Birthday, Ben!

His birthday was in the middle of the week, so after school we went bowling at our local bowling alley, which has a totally retro vibe to it - super fun.  Grandma and Grandpa and boys joined us for some fun, and then a super fancy dinner at Ben's favorite: Coney Island.

This kid can bowl at 0.02mph

Everyone's personality shining through...

Boys in the super cool bathroom

All our kids had to wait until they were 5 to eat gum -
it's a right of passage, and he is so thrilled!


Bathroom chats

Cake at home

We had the family over on Superbowl Sunday for a relaxed birthday party, and Ben enjoyed a Super Mario Bros theme.  

Jamie did a really good job decorating the cake!

Wilt birthday song!

Bad guys

Contender for best photo of the year!

A match made in Nintendo heaven

Jam session

Jamie and I did a one-night getaway to Chicago to see a play based on a Sufjan Stevens album - it was super weird and super awesome!  I feel like we typically have about 2-minute max conversations before being interrupted at home, and it was so so nice to just hang out together!

Windy, but beautiful!

At the Shakespeare Theater

Do we have to go home?

Oh man, what a heartbreaking end for the Lions this year... I can't believe what a great season it was though!  We all went to Ford Field to watch the game against the 49ers, and Andy even flew in from New York to be with his dudes.  

After the first touchdown

Zach and Riley!!

Bros on a roof

The girls' basketball seasons are coming to a close.  They played for Guardian Angels, and really enjoyed being with old friends.  Maggie improved a lot throughout the season, and I'm bummed it's ending because I feel like everything is starting to click!  Evie also improved a bunch, though I'm not totally sure if she loves the sport, or just loves being with her friends.

Bounce pass

Get it, Maggie!




The girls both went to a winter dance at their school, and had a blast!

My emo girl (who still wants to take
pictures with me)

Sugar power

Maggie "got ready" at her friend's house after school
This one is growing up fast!

Maggie's crew

Lots of randoms:

Sigh.  Maggie was exposed to Starbucks
frappuccinos, and is totally obsessed.

Pretty sure she'd eat a can of whipped cream
every day if we let her

My sweet boy

Sleepover fun

Pistons game with Grandpa!

Perhaps the best action shot ever

Police headquarters

Mom perks

Evie built most of this herself!

Maple got spayed, so she had to wear her dork-suit for a couple weeks

Celebrating Rob's 40th!

Best buds

Maggie started guitar lessons about a month ago, and is really enjoying it.  Her teacher also does piano, so we're going to switch back and forth, but working on guitar right now.  She's starting to pick it up!

Singing Sweet Caroline at Frankenmuth stuck with the kids, so now they like to do it at home: