Monday, November 19, 2012


Welcome to our blog! We'll use this to give updates on our family life, mostly about our new baby girl! She is expected sometime around December 16, and we can't wait!

I am currently at 36 weeks, and am trying to make sure everything is ready for the big day. Jamie finished painting the nursery, all the clothes and bedding are washed, overnight bag is packed, frozen meals are prepared... I feel like I'm forgetting something! I am busy coordinating my time off from work, which should be about 11 weeks long. Jamie will have some time off from Bishop Foley around Christmas, and hopefully a few more days to help me figure this whole parenting thing out! He's been an incredible, supportive husband, and I know he'll be an amazing Daddy.

I went to the doctor today and am 2 cm dilated.  Apparently this is somewhat unusual for first-time moms, but not necessarily an indication of early delivery (but I hope I'm a little bit early!).   Everything else was normal :)

Here's some photos:

Jamie painted this cute mural for the nursery:

Here's the other side of the nursery:

Me at 36 weeks (gross):

1 comment:

  1. Such a prepared Mommy! That's a lucky baby :)

    Also, I can't believe you are 2cm already!!! Tell that baby she can't arrive while I'm in Germany! She has to wait until after December 7th!
