Thursday, December 20, 2012

Growing baby

Maggie had another pediatrician appointment on Tuesday, and I'm happy to report that she is now 7 lb 6 oz, which is 4 oz above her birth weight!  The doctor said she's looking great and doesn't need to come back until she is 2 months old.

We put on the third set of casts today, and Maggie did very well.  Diaper changes are actually way more traumatic for her than casting, so I'm not upset about going to the orthopedic's office anymore.  Here's her unwrapped feet after her bath this morning:

 Stop taking pictures and put some clothes on me, woman!

Before 3rd set of casts

I love giving her a bath ~ she smells so good afterward, and she's usually pretty calm during the whole process as long as I have the noise of trickling water in the sink.  We still have to do sponge baths because her umbilical cord isn't totally removed yet.

Maggie is definitely a night owl!  She sleeps wonderfully during the day so I have time to get a bunch of stuff done, but as soon as Mommy and Daddy want some quality sleep, she's wide awake!  I'm trying to make sure Jamie get at least 6 hours of sleep so that he can function at work, which means a lot of quick naps during the night for me... I can't wait to get more than a few hours of sleep at once!  Okay, I'll stop whining, I know everyone has to go through this :)  Thankfully Jamie has the next two weeks off work; it will be great to have him around during the day!

We are looking forward to Christmas festivities!  We have lots of things scheduled every day next week; hopefully we can get everything done, but I'm not going to push it!  I'm excited to put her cute Christmas outfits on!

Pensive Maggie

This is the life!

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