Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

We are so grateful to all the men and women who have made our freedom possible!

Thank you!
This has been a very busy, but fun weekend!  On Saturday my mom came over to help us figure out what to plant in our yard... 10 hours later I was no longer embarassed of my back yard!  We planted flowers, bushes, trees, pulled weeds, cut and trimmed the grass, and a bunch of other little tasks.  Thanks to Grammer for all her help!

Sunday we went all around town.  Maggie attended her buddy Kate's 1st birthday party and had a ball! She got to play with some of Kate's toys and loved looking at all the little kids running around.  Kate was adorable running around all over the place, she cracks me up!

Maggie trying to imitate Kate

Kate's first cake ~ I think she likes it!

The Reed Family ~ umm, J. Crew called and they want their models back

Afternoon siesta

Hi there

Maggie loved looking up at the leaves
We came home for a wardrobe change and then headed right back out to see Mike and Ashley before they headed back to Chicago.  Again, adorable children everywhere for her to look at!  Maggie had an especially nice time snuggling with Ashley, she's just got the magic touch!  Afterward we visited Jamie's Uncle Frank and Aunt Sherry for a little while before heading home to put our tired little girl to bed!

Daddy, is this safe?

Playing with Luke

We're thinking about getting Maggie some etiquette training

We think more teeth are on the way because Maggie has been more fussy than usual, and is waking up a couple times each night.  She's laughing and talking more, and can sit up for short periods if she balances on her hands.  She's just the best, what more can I say?

PJs are the best

The many faces of Maggie - by Aunt Amy

Memorial Day wiped me out!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Spoon love

Grandma's birthday was this week!  Everyone came over on Wednesday to celebrate in the beautiful weather.  We had some tasty burgers on the deck, and Amy made the yummiest birthday cake with homemade filling and frosting (don't get any ideas, Jamie - I am only capable of cakes from a box).  Maggie had fun playing with the family.

Maggie kept waking up during the night last week, and we had to give her lots of cuddling and swaying to get her back to sleep… this makes for a rather cranky Mommy and Daddy.  My mom suggested feeding her some rice cereal along with her bottle before bed so that she’ll sleep heavier.  We were holding off on giving her food, but decided to give it a try.  The first night was hilarious, she didn't really understand the concept of a spoon and kept trying to suck it like a bottle.  She was so angry!  By the third night she seemed to get the hang of it.  Wow, it really did the trick!  I haven’t heard a peep from her during the night!  She usually wakes herself up about 15 minutes before I’m ready to get her in the morning… but instead of crying, she just spins around, blows bubbles and talks to herself.  It might be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Check out my teeth!

Had to go back to the doctor again on Friday because her rash from last weekend still didn't look better.  We have to switch all her soaps and creams to dye/fragrance free - looks to be clearing up now.

Maggie and I went over Lauren and Brian's house on Thursday for some delicious dinner!  Jamie was having some guys over to practice some songs for the Bennyfit on Saturday, and I wanted to keep Maggie away from all the noise.  We had fun playing together :)

Maggie kept trying to sit up, impressive abs!
Playing with Cuz
We are heading to the Outer Banks in June to vacation with Jody, Ed and Alex, and I am sooooo excited!  I've only been back at work for 3.5 months, but I really need a break… it will be so nice to spend some quality time with Maggie and Jamie (oh, and I guess the rest of my family too)!  Not sure how Maggie will handle the drive, but we’ll probably break it up as much as possible.  I intend to eat ice cream every day on the trip!

Please excuse my bed hair!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there, especially to Grammer Rabine and Grandma Donoghue who have given us so much help this year!  We so appreciate everything they have done for us!

I had a very nice day with my darling daughter!  Daddy got take-out from The Breakfast Club this morning, and  I got a couple of fantastic gifts from them as well.  We went over to Bobby and Allison's for lunch, and got to see Great-Grandma Rabine (a.k.a. Grace the Great), Grammer and Pops, and cousin Luke!

Playing with "Grace the Great"
Gosh, Pops, your jokes are the worst!
Hanging with Uncle Bobby
Such a little charmer
Classy Maggie with the tummy shot
We went to Marinelli's for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa and the whole Donoghue clan.  Too much food for one day!  Grandma surprised me bigtime - she and Aunt Amy took Maggie to a photographer last Friday and got a beautiful framed photo for me!  I'll figure out how to show it on here eventually, it's sooo cute!

Uncle Rex playing Pass-the-Baby!

Careful, Maggie looks like she's about to smack you!
Other big news from this week - Maggie's two bottom teeth came in!  They aren't all they way out yet, but definitely sharp enough to hurt!  She's gnawing everything she can get her hands on (or just her hands if nothing else is available).

I took her to the doctor on Saturday because she got a rash under her chin(s).  I have to be extra careful to keep the area clean and dry, and put some gunk on it.  She was weighed at the doctor's, and is now 17 pounds!  Heavyweight!  She's growing too fast to get all her cute outfits on - she seems to fit better in 6-9 month clothes now.  Maggie has also found her feet - she's been grabbing at them all week!

I love my pediatrician!
Wait - didn't there used to a be a foot here?

This is my magic trick - I can hover in the air
Eat your heart out!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Months!

Hard to believe, our little Maggie is five months old!  She is so fun to be around, and has a lot more personality.  She's obsessed with touching things, and seems most intrigued when in her jungle gym.  She's sleeping a little better at night now, though she usually ends up 180-degrees from where she started!  Her feet look great still, and she doesn't seem to mind putting the braces on at night.

My favorite time of day is still when we get Maggie from her crib.  She's usually been "talking" and kicking her legs for a few minutes before we get there, and when she looks up at you and gives you her big smile... nothing beats that.

Here's a few other pictures from the week:

Yay, time for summer clothes!
I'm multi-tasking, be with you in a minute
Playing the trumpet
I don't have all day, Momma...
...actually, I do