Monday, September 28, 2015

Sick September

It’s definitely back-to-school season!  Maggie has been coughing with a runny nose all week.  She’ll get close to being healthy, and then get sick again at daycare.  So far Evie has only had a few little signs of a cold, nothing too major. 

Cuddles make everything better

My saint of a mother-in-law came to stay with the girls at our house three days last week to help them get healthy.  She does their laundry, puts away the dishes, washes the bottles… maybe I should’ve married her?  Just kidding, my hubby is a very supportive and hardworking guy – don’t know what we would do without Grandma though!  She also sends me cute videos during the day:

Evie wants to touch everything!  Here's a cute little video of her at dinner - I love watching her eyes try to keep up:

On Friday we went to the Bishop Foley football game.  Maggie had a lot of fun running around, and then awkwardly forced me into the student section where an old person like me sooooo does not belong.  She spent a bunch of time climbing the bleachers, and then ran around with some other kids for a bit.

Go Foley!

Playing futbol

On Saturday we took Maggie on a little date to Coney Island and to see Inside Out (we're a little behind the times).  She was so adorable during the movie, captivated the whole time.  She kept shouting things like "watch out!" or "oh no!"  We had to remind her to whisper, but it was so gosh darn cute.

Being cheesy together

We saw Bobby and co. at church yesterday, and Maggie was very excited to see her cousins.  When we parted ways after, Maggie sobbed uncontrollably on the way to the car, shouting "I love Luke" in between sobs and gasps for air.  So I think I need to schedule a play date soon.

Grammer and Pops came to visit us yesterday.  I went shopping with my mom while the guys watched the girls, and then we went out to dinner!  Maggie and Evie have a ton of new clothes now, and Maggie is beyond thrilled to have two new dresses (a.k.a. nightgowns) to wear to bed.  I put one on her last night, and she whispered "wow," as if something amazing just happened.  I hope it's always this easy to make her happy!

Life doesn't get better than this!

Just tidying up a bit before Grammer and Pops come over

Here's some others from the week:

Getting her art on

Giving love to Teddy

Not too impressed

Zach and Jamie at the Wings game!

My mom told me yesterday that I need to get as many recordings of Maggie's voice as I can at this age, because I won't ever want to forget it.  One of my favorite things is when Maggie says her night-time prayers.  She's pretty good, but still needs a little help from time to time.  Here she is (she also wanted to show off and say her dinner prayer as well):

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

5 Months and First Tigers Game

Evie girl is now five months old!  She is still a very happy baby, and is getting much better at rolling around.  I think she is getting close to sitting up on her own (I will be very happy when this happens!).  She likes eating her baby cereal, and actually "pounces" on the spoon for each bite.  



Here's Maggie at 5 months for comparison:

Lots of similarities!

Jamie insists that we take the girls to a Tigers game at least once every year, and so thanks to the generosity of cousin Donna, we got four free tickets to the game on Friday night!  I'll admit, I was a little anxious about the outing... I thought we would be dealing with two very tired and cranky girls.  They were both a little drowsy, but otherwise in great spirits!  Maggie had fun on the ferris wheel and eating a lot of snacks.  Evie really seemed to enjoy the noise and lights.

Pretending to be in the bullpen

Ok, let's go now!

Daddy's got his hands full

Checking out Detroit from the ferris wheel

Happy times

Go Tigers!

So many lights...

No time to smile between snacks

Teach me more, Daddy

We like to go to the park after dinner, and Maggie has preferred to explore the forest (a few trees) in the park rather than play on the equipment.  She likes to climb the mountains (hills) and pick the flowers (weeds).  She's pretty cute.

You can go your own way

She also really loves visiting her dinosaur friend, Teddy:

Enjoying the outdoors

Blowing bubbles at home

I took Maggie by myself one night and decided we would leave the house with regular underwear on instead of a pull-up.  That was stupid.  If I would have brought a travel potty with me, it would have been less stupid.  Being a 10 minutes walk from home when your kid has to pee is a bit of a dilemma.  So there was an accident, and a resulting fashion forward look, sans pants.

Working the sweat-skirt

Here's some other photos from the week:

Got to see my girls at the library next door
during the work day - it was awesome!


I normally don't post food photos, but this burger from the
B-Spot was insanely tasty!  I want more!

Hanging with her cuz

Pool party!

Cuddling in bed

Octopus tells the best jokes

I see you

Sometimes Maggie likes to read my Parenting magazine
while going potty... for like a half hour...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Labor Day and Dad's Birthday!

I'm a little late on the update, so I'll try to remember what has been going on the past couple weeks... 

Our friends Andy and Katie came to stay with us Labor Day weekend.  I unfortunately came down with a weird fever/virus on Thursday night that left me a bit weak for the weekend... and then Jamie caught it on Sunday when all our friends came over to party and had to lay up in bed the whole time!  It was a weekend of bad timing!  I was a bit distracted and forgot to take photos most of the weekend. Fail!

Breakfast at the Fly Trap - as you can see,
Maggie was soooo excited to be there

Handicap ramp = endless entertainment

Ice cream in the evening with
Maize and Blue sprinkles

Our ice cream place has a little picnic area, and a tiny pathway that leads through some trees/brush.  Maggie likes to go exploring even more than eating her ice cream:

Andy and Katie both like to go running, and Katie promised Maggie that she would take her for a run after she was done.  Maggie had so much fun, and now she wants to run all the time.  Thanks, Katie.  ;)

We celebrated by Dad's 70th birthday this past Friday!  We had a party at my parents' house to celebrate!

Birthday boy and his bride

Dad with his Mom, brothers and sisters

Foosball champion!

These two had fun playing together all night

I think Evie and Claire are going to be gal pals

Happy Birthday, Pops

Goofing around with Claire - we're on pretty good terms now

Evie got to be held all night - she was a happy baby

Jamie went to Kalamazoo with some buddies Saturday night, so I had the kids to myself most of the day and all night. We hung out at the house all day Saturday - it was so wonderful to just spend time with the girls!  It was just what I needed (and them too I think).  We spend so much time rushing around every weekend, and I'm realizing that we need to carve out more time to be together at home.  

I nervously went to church by myself on Sunday with the two girls.  I packed a bunch of snacks and activities, and we made it through with no issues!  I was so proud of Maggie, so we went to the school playground afterward.

My good girl

Burning off some energy

Evie is a grabber!  She wants to touch everything!  She likes to play with her toys, and has fun sitting at her highchair and on the couch (supported by lots of pillows!).

I see you!

About 20 minutes of non-stop focus - love it!

Here's some others from the past weeks:

Love when Daddy brings home Dairy Queen!

Looking for wands

This is Evie at the park with Grandma - the girl loves being outside!

Maggie just started singing this out of the blue - I've never heard the song before, so I'm guessing she learned it at daycare.  It cracked me up!