Thursday, March 17, 2016

Luck of the Irish

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Aunt Amy made special shirts and hair bows for our little Irish princesses, too cute!

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Maggie Donoghue - doesn't get more
Irish sounding than that!

This past Saturday we went to see Cinderella at Bishop Foley.  Jamie's sets were absolutely awesome!!  Now he just has to finish his Master's Thesis, set up for the Foley Art Show, and coordinate the Foley Film Fest.  I'm trying to keep the panic out of my inner monologue voice!

We took both girls with us to the play, which was a bit of a handful, but they both were pretty good. Grandma and Grandpa came, and Maggie's friend Kate joined us too.  Those two are just so adorable together - I love that they have conversations now. At the end they met Cinderella and Prince Charming, and Maggie was in awe... I can't wait to see her reaction at Disney World!

Posing with the royals


Let's get this thing started!

Evie loves everything electronic.  If it has buttons and is useful to Mom and Dad, she wants it!  She really loves to pass objects back and forth right now.  She is so pleased with herself when she manages to give you something, and then immediately takes it back.

Ready to game
Practicing her walking skills

The new in-house resident, Dr. Evie

Evie loves food.  She wants to try everything, and will throw a complete tantrum until she gets it!  She is now starting to get Mom's warning looks and is learning the meaning of "no."  She is pretty much devastated every time I scold her.

I don't have a naughty bone in my body

I'm loving all this good weather!  Maggie and I went to the park this weekend for some one-on-one time.  We built a bunch of sand castles in the sandbox and goofed around on the playground.  On the walk home, she decided that I would be Cinderella and she would be my fairy godmother.  We magically made tiny dolls to give to Tinkerbelle and her friends, and also turned my hair pink.  We're really into multi-tasking these days.

Grandma took the girls to the park last week, and they had such a fun time!  Maggie kept on whispering to her pocket and patting it, and when Grandma asked what she was doing, Maggie said she was talking to the mice in her pocket... Cinderella's mice I presume?

Evie went down the slide for her first time, such a big girl!

With a little push from Maggie

We went to the mall on Saturday, and Maggie spent two forevers in the Lego store.  Jamie and I just kept taking turns running to different stores while she played.

Thinking carefully about her next move

Evie is our disappearing artist... she tried to get away from Grandma the other day while getting dressed:

Close your eyes and count to 10
Here's a few others from last week:

Playing at the library

Cousin Will came to visit!

Maggie is the perfect size for her Dora bike - we had fun
testing it out.

Maggie insisted that we get her sunglasses and turn
on the radio before she could drive the car...

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