Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Jamie was gone for a bachelor party this weekend, so the girls and I had a good time hanging out.  My mom watched the girls on Friday, and Maggie and I took a little visit to preschool to meet her teachers and see her room.  Maggie did great and was so cute.  When she met her teachers, she gave them a big hug.  I got a good gut feeling about the school, so it was a relief!

Story time with Grammer

Saturday I was feeling ambitious and took both girls to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum.  They had a really good time, though probably only saw about half the exhibits.  By the time we got home, I was pooped from corralling them all morning!

Checking out the ambulance

Flip-flop music

Gotta love Bernoulli

Stomp party

Sending coded messages... or just hitting random buttons
Trying to wink at me

It is NOT time to go yet

Sunday we went to church.  We did not have to leave the pew once.  Let that sink in.  It was amazing.

Afterward Maggie had her first friend-party at Michael’s (the store).  It was a really fun time, and I loved watching her interact with all her buddies from daycare.  I never really see that happen since we just do drop-off and pick-up.  I also got a chance to hang out with several of the moms; it was so nice to talk to people who are in my boat!  Maggie had an awesome time, and Evie had fun hanging with my mom at the house.


With the birthday girl

The adorable trouble-maker of the class
(according to Maggie)

Girl talk
Maggie started preschool on Monday, and she did great!  Jamie was planning to drop her off the first morning, but I couldn’t resist tagging along to make sure everything was in order.  I was so anxious the entire day, not knowing if she was sad, worried, feeling abandoned… of course, she came home perfectly happy and excited!  They take a short nap during the day, so Maggie was pretty tired by the end of the day.  She was also starving because she neglected to eat her sandwich… except for one tiny bite that forensic analysts could have missed.  So now I’m brainstorming some clever lunch ideas that I know she’ll eat – the internet is a wonderful place!

Ready to go!
Excited to get started!

In order participate in any school events, I had to take the “Protecting God’s Children” workshop last night that raises awareness of child sexual abuse.  Wow.  It was a really rough three hours thinking about such an awful topic, but I’m really happy that the school makes sure anyone dealing with my kid has had the training.  I also want to build an impenetrable bubble for the girls and destroy the internet… which is actually a terrible place also.
Maggie's selfie

Evie's selfie

Looking a little guilty... still not sure why

Taking a break from the dishes to do a photo shoot
Evie's favorite place in the house

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