Friday, March 31, 2017

Lego my Eggo


Jamie and Maggie worked on her first “real” Lego set this week.  She’s a few years below the recommended age, but did really well with Jamie’s guidance.  She has been obsessed with her Beauty and the Beast castle all week, and has been building all sorts of things using her Duplo blocks.  She says she’s an engineer now!

One of Jamie's happiest moments as a father

My proud engineer

Snow White's fortress
The girls love their day at Grandma’s house each week.  She took them to the library and had spaghetti for dinner… basically a perfect day!

I love how Maggie is holding Evie during story time

Probably stealing this from another child...

Trying to grow a beard like Daddy

Good to the last bite!

So happy to see April around the corner, I’m ready for more playtime outside!

Too dainty to sit on the ground

Christmas in April!

Here's Maggie putting on her "evening show" in the bedroom, which usually consists of a song and a stuffed animal interview.  I love it because Evie is a great sidekick:

Some other randoms:
Mischief before daycare

When it's too cold to go outside

This girl loves mittens

Girl time!
Big sister helping out

Hanging after school

We saw a seesaw

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Welcome Spring!

Spring is here!  I'm hoping that we are done with snow for the year!

Jamie and I had a fun Saturday celebrating my cousin Dustin's wedding.  I unfortunately failed to get any good pictures - but it was a really great to spend some quality time with my man.  On Sunday, Maggie and I went with my Mom, Allison and Claire to see Beauty and the Beast.  Maggie had an awesome time, and fell asleep two minutes into the drive home.

Nothing new and excited to report for the girls, just being our silly selves:

Sitting on top of the world
(I'm mad at Jamie for this dangerous, though cute, photo)

I jump, you jump?

Hard to look tough while eating a cookie,
but she pulls it off

Not so hard to look cute

Playing Zingo Bingo!

Jamie showed Maggie the "secret compartment" in her room.
It was really ugly trying to get them out of there.

Maggie got to see cousin Brooklyn at school this week!

She was all business

Matchy matchy

My loves


Princesses of the land of boots

Silly faces before school

This is one my most favorite videos.  Evie has this diva look that she gives us, and it’s become a joke in our house.  I finally caught it on video (at the end):

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Off to see the Wizard!

This past weekend was Bishop Foley’s play, the Wizard of Oz.  We had extensive power outages in the area last week, and the high school that was providing an auditorium was without power until Saturday afternoon.  They had to move Friday’s show to Sunday, and the kids never got a dress rehearsal.  I was blown away by their performance, they really did a great job!  Jamie’s sets looked fantastic (I only have a small fraction of the set shown here), all the hard work really showed.  Proud of my hubby.  So happy it's over.

The cast!
Welcome to Oz!

Maggie was so intrigued with the castle and
the secret "packageway" (i.e. trapdoor)

Tree people

All by hand

We took both girls to the play, along with some family and friends.  Evie was a handful the entire time, but we made it through with the help of snacks and dancing.  Maggie was captivated, and was so happy to be watching with her buddy Kate.  Everyone was exhausted by the time we got home!

Maggie and Kate

Evie invading Sam's personal space!

On Sunday, Jamie took the girls to Foley, and cousin Will was able to join in the artistic fun!  I had the house to myself and it was amazing!

This is a keeper

Love these little faces

Dinosaur time

You can never have too many dinosaurs.  Can you?

Minnie came along
Chillin after a late night of partying

A few fun things from the girls:
Maggie is a really heavy sleeper... the other night she had to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but was still really out of it, and called me to help her back to bed.  I asked what was wrong, and she was really upset because the penguins needed to get into her bed but the sheets were too messy and they just couldn’t do it… note – there are no penguins (stuffed or live) in her room.  I swear she was still half-dreaming.

Not so sleepy

Evie on the other hand, will jump out of bed if she hears the floor squeak outside her door.  I swear, getting ready every morning without waking her feels like navy seal stealth training.  I’m expecting a call to enlist any day now.

I thought I heard someone

Maggie stopped wearing her braces about a month ago.  Ever since then, she’s had no trouble staying dry every night – big relief for us!!

I think every time Jamie takes Maggie somewhere, there
is a picture of her with a doughnut.

Evie loves to sing!  She really loves Twinkle Twinkle and Happy Birthday right now, and will try to join in on pretty much every other song.

At preschool, Maggie learned about how everyone has a bucket.  You can fill up another’s bucket by doing kind things, and you empty buckets when you do or say hurtful things.  Jamie and I thought this was such a lovely concept… for about a week.  Now, whenever Maggie is scolded or in trouble, she starts sobbing “you’re emptying my bucket!”  Lately it’s turned into, “I’m so sad I don’t even have a bucket anymore!”  Can’t wait for the teenage years.

Evie loves socks and shoes.  She really likes wearing one sock and one shoe while going barefoot on the other foot.  She gets really upset if you try to even things out.

Some others:

When your kids look great, but you haven't showered yet

Loving the Calico Critters!

Trying to have a nice family dinner at Red Robin. Trying.

Sometimes a little liquid encouragement helps

Teaching his daughters that running in
a library is a great idea!

Evie really loves brushing Maggie's hair, and Maggie is usually pretty patient with her:

Maggie has perfected her somersault.  Evie desperately wants to do it too, but is still working on it: