Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Grammer's Birthday!

This weekend was my mom’s 70th birthday!  My sister and her family were in town to celebrate, and we had a lot of fun celebrating our Crabi! 

The birthday girl!

My sister (the hard working one) came up with several fun games that we all played together.  The kids had a lot of fun participating, and so did the adults!

Transferring eggs using a spoon and no hands.
This will surely prepare them for the struggles of adulthood.

Such focus

Moving M&M's with straw suction

Who doesn't love throwing marmallows?

Have you ever tried to get a cookie from your forehead to your mouth using only your face muscles?  Oh you have? Nevermind.

Jody also created a little scavenger hunt throughout the house to find Mom’s presents, and the kids “helped” her with all the clues.

Clue in the pantry

For she's a jolly good fellow!

Being a cutie

Somehow my girls, Claire and Jody all ended up matching

Cuddles with Aunt Jody

Pretending to nap

Earlier in the week, we got together with the Polons for some pizza and ice cream!

Had to stop at the bumblebees, of course

All the love

Smiles with Alex!

Artsy selfie by my niece

Uncle Ed being Uncle Ed

Training for the rodeo

Girl time!

Jamie is teaching basketball at a daycamp this summer, just three half-days a week.  Maggie gets to tag along while Evie stays at Grandma's house.  Jamie had to stay later last Friday, and so Maggie was hanging out with the bigger kids doing Olympic games in the afternoon... all the kids and counselors would let Maggie have a turn at the end of each competition, and would cheer her on while she "crushed" her competition!

A very sweet counselor who just couldn't outdo Maggie

Big Bingo winner!

Giant field hockey?

 A few others:

Visiting her buddy

We went to see Fr. Brian preach this weekend, so good
to see him!

Birthday party burger

Those dang bumblebees again


That's a keeper

Snow White doesn't put up with no sass.
And she won't do your housework either.

Relaxing at Grandma and Grandpa's

Smush face

Went to a beer-tasting event at the Roostertail!

You've probably heard the girls sing this before, but have you heard them with electric guitars?

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