Friday, July 19, 2019

Family time

Last weekend we had a family reunion in Metamora for my mom’s side of the family.  We had such a great time!  There was a lake, a pontoon boat, tons of food, and lots of family.  The girls kept themselves occupied the whole day, and Ben was perfectly content to be passed around.

Sweet Tiger kept the girls entertained, they love him
so much

Kelsey who I haven't seen in two forevers!

Margie taking all the cuddles


First time meeting Aunt Jody - made a good impression

It was a long day... lots of snores on the way home

I went over my parents house with Ben the next night to visit with the fam some more.  Ben had his first popsicle with Pops, and it was a major success.  Also, my dad’s commentary is the best.

Best day of his life.

Sarah prefers the ice cream instead
Some others from the week:
Maggie got to have a play date with her girlfriend

Evie still has a tiny butt

Ben is a fan of Sully

Chillin in Grandma's pool
Becoming a stronger swimmer every day

I love how Evie holds Ben's hand

Places to be, gotta go!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


So I'm way behind and just going to throw a bunch of photos up here...

My mom threw herself a surprise anniversary-of-her-39th-birthday party!

Looking good, Mom!

For she's a jolly good fellow!

She got all the kids sun-glasses in honor of the solstice

We celebrated Will's 5th birthday at the Davison Splash Pad - an awesome place!

Birthday boy ain't got time for photos!!
Gotta protect those retinas

Our little baby with the smolder look

They even have a little beach area there!
Splash sisters

Fourth of July weekend was awesome!  We all had Thursday through Sunday off of work and camp - soooo nice to be home with my kids for a while!
Red, white and blue day at camp

A true patriot
Jamie and the girls went to the zoo to celebrate Will's actual birthday, and they got to feed the giraffes!  I was concerned that Ben might overheat (read: I was concerned that I would overheat), so we met up with them afterward for lunch.

They loving taking pictures

Birthday boy and the giraffe

Evie needed a boost from Daddy

Maggie had no fear!

Obligatory fountain photo

On Friday I went to my first DCFC game with Jamie and a bunch of friends... it was impossible to get dinner beforehand, so we didn't get there until half-time, and then a thunderstorm delayed the game five minutes after we got there!  Nevertheless it was totally awesome and I really want to go back.  So much chanting!

Soaked through

Before we all got soaked!

Saturday we went to a family party on the Rabine side.  It was all little girls (except for Ben), and they all played nice and peacefully with each other.  Food was yummy, and it was great to catch up with all these people I never see!

Ben got to meet Grace the Great

Slip and slide!  My girls are super awkward on it!
Jamie has an obsession with taking Ben's picture in sunglasses... there's
seriously like 10 different occasions in the past two weeks!

Sunday we relaxed around the house, and then met up for dinner with the Vukich's at Urbanrest!

This little guy is a stud

 And now, a bunch of other random photos!

Frank Sinatra as a baby?

Relaxing in PJs

Apparently the flash is pretty scary for this guy...
also pretty sure you're not suppose to use flash photography on a baby (JAMIE)

Whew, we've got a lot of ground to cover
Evie got a giant rainbow sprinkler from Grandma for her birthday...

....and also a giant unicorn one from Bobby and Allison...
we went nuts and used both one day.  I had little water pressure in the house.

This guy is eating real foods now!
... and by eating, I mean tasting and spitting most of it out

Horse play

Jamie and Alain work on Alain's giant Jurassic Park lego set.
Boy date.

This is Uncle Jason's pet turtle, Winifred.  She's enormous!

Ben has the best expressions

Happy camper!  Literally!

Love these sisters

Maggie and Evie wanted to redecorate Ben's crib.
Super safe, girls.

Their leading man
