Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter and such

We had a nice Easter this year.  We dyed eggs and the girls had fun finding their baskets on Easter morning.  Ben actually found his basket first because it was in his favorite kitchen cupboard (he's always snooping everywhere he can).  We had french toast and bacon, and then "went" to church on our couch.  I'm glad our parish is doing FB live church each weekend, it's good to hear familiar voices.  Grammer and Pops stopped by later to drop off goodies for us all.  I was so glad to see them, but keeping distance was hard!  My mom made us some masks too!


Obligatory Spiderman egg

Just the boys

This was the best we could do with our squirmy ones

Jamie put his sewing skills to work and made us all masks!

Pretty psyched that the Easter Bunny ate our
carrots AND cookies AND banana bread

We have all adjusted to our new normal (mostly).  I don't think I have ever been so exhausted both physically and mentally and I feel like my brain is going to explode.  Thankfully we are all healthy and we are so blessed to still get our paychecks, so I really shouldn't complain (but I will because it's my blog!).  Balancing our jobs and the kids' education has been challenging, but doable.  Ben is a wonderful little baby, just a handful to take care of with all the other stuff going on.  We were supposed to be at Disney this week, trying not think about it though...

We decided to put out our Christmas unicorn and people seem to dig it.  We've seen a few people stop and take its picture.

A light in the darkness

The girls are very happy about it

We have Evie and Jamie's birthdays next week - hoping we can make them both feel extra special.  Jamie said he plans to drive to his favorite brewery in Ann Arbor, get curbside pickup and then spend the rest of the day driving around in peace (and I don't think he's joking!).

Ben got a mild case of the chicken pox at the end of March... or at least we're pretty darn sure he did.  The pediatrician wouldn't see him, and none of his symptoms were very alarming except for the spots themselves.  It was at the tail end of his vaccine incubation period, so he probably just had a reaction to it.
Whose got some concealer?

Ben loves to get into everything possible in the kitchen, but his absolute favorite thing is the dishwasher.  If he's losing his mind, I'll just open it up and he'll spend 15-20 minutes analyzing plate and cup placement, pushing the racks in and out, and getting down on the floor to check out the buttons.  I just have to make sure he doesn't try to climb on the open door and break it!

Yes, touch all the clean things before I have a chance
to put them away...

We are still trying to do piano lessons, though I'm lucky to fit in one lesson each week.  Here's Maggie doing her "performance" piece for the week, which is a duet with me.  It wasn't perfect yet, possibly because there were a couple distractions...

Ben's hair was getting so long and it was driving me crazy.  So we watched a YouTube video and Jamie got the clippers out while I distracted Ben with my standup routine and goldfish.  It's short and maybe not perfect, but really my only goal was to come away with BOTH ears - success!

Before - note the tufts of hair cascading over his ears
Donoghue Barber Shop


Here's some others:
We have been watching "Full House", which is so satisfying now that I'm a
parent.  Maggie is just tickled by it, and looks like this for most of the show.

Evie's art project.  We found the glitter.
(glitter is a bad word in our house)

Up close and personal

Who needs human friends anyways?

This stud is ready to cruise Woodward

End of a long day

When Ben gets your phone and takes 20 of these.

Dinner on the veranda

No one invited me.

Roller skatcing... centimeter by centimeter

These two...


Loves being up high

Jamie and the girls made this awesome color wheel for
one of Maggie's art assignments

We created a rainbow garden one day

Maggie did yoga for her PE class... really loved the resting part at the end
(always my favorite part too!)

Talk to my bookie

Hello?  Is it me you're looking for??

My little Michigan man

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