Thursday, July 16, 2020

Summer Camp Fun

The girls and Jamie started summer camp in Grosse Pointe a couple weeks ago.  We were a little concerned, but they keep everyone outside all day (except Jamie's art group, which has indoor social distancing).  Honestly, I am so happy to see the change in the girls now that they are playing with other kids.  Evie especially lights up when talking about camp, and is acting way different than the shy and terrified girl from last year! 

Dressed up for Sports Day

Science experiments

Look who hit the target!  Archer of the Day!

Jamie is very strict about masks in his room


Fourth of July was quite laid back this year.  The girls went swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's while Jamie and I had a quick dinner date.  Later that night Jamie took the girls to our local parking deck to look at all the fireworks from the 7th floor.  I stayed home so Ben could sleep; looking forward to a couple years from now when we can do it all together!

Family Picture (note the reflection)

Sparklers for the win!

Oooh ahhh
Buds for life

Thought they were sooo cool

We celebrated Will and Violet's birthdays last week at the Odglens.  The kids had a ton of fun, and there was even a Kona Ice truck!  Violet and Ben are so funny; they aren't buddies yet, just very curious and constantly inspecting each other.

Family photo

Quiet battle of wills

Small but mighty

A little bit mightier



Water table fun

Most of the kiddos

Maggie got her new glasses last week.  She was pretty thrilled the first day, and now I think she's forgotten about them completely.  This is fine with me because I don't want them broken before school even starts!  Here's her video message to her friends to let them know her big news; Maggie always clears her throat when she's uncertain what to do or say next, it's a little adorable trait that I love.

We also celebrated Grandpa's birthday and Grammer's birthday since my last post!  So many summer birthdays!

Patiently opening Maggie's homemade items

Just watching the fish

Winner of the jolly-good-fellow competition
Catching up on some voicemails

Here's some others:

Ice cream date with Daddy at the zoo

Posing with the tigers

They spend a lot of time together while I'm at work.  Going a little crazy.
Boys club

This boy wants to climb everything

That face

Haircut time (don't worry, he was not actually traumatized -
as long as we fed him goldfish) 

Shockingly Ben loves wasabi peas... I can't believe
Jamie even gave him one to try!

Cutest zoo selfie

Should I?

We took a 2-day trip to Grand Rapids without the kids -
so much fun!

Love this photo - all the kids with their heights marked

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