Friday, October 9, 2020

Season of Sickness

Poor Ben got his first bad virus of the year this week.  Thankfully he was negative for COVID, but he had a fever for a few days.  It turned him into a cuddle-bug though, so it was all bad news.  Our urgent care is doing rapid tests, literally only takes 20 minutes to get results, so that's been really helpful (Jamie and I had a scare a couple weeks ago too).

Poor baby

It is so rare for him to even rest his head on me,
so I'm enjoying it while I can!

Soccer season is in full-swing, and both girls seem to really enjoy it.  They are both very polite players, so hopefully they will learn a little aggression this season!

Maggie with her team

Evie plays on the small fields 3v3, loves sitting
on the sideline with her friend

Warming up at practice

Best part of soccer is playing at the park after!

Big sister helping out

We had a playdate a couple weeks ago.  Each girl got to have one friend over that's in our "bubble."  I think they both had a great time, though Evie was definitely exhausted and melodramatic by 8pm, proving my assumption that she's not quite ready for friend sleepovers yet.  Maggie and her friend stayed up until at least 1am... possibly later.  She was very cranky the next day.

Kindergarten buddies

No time for photos

Inventing a caravan system using bike helmets
as connection points

Here is Evie explaining one of her masterpieces.  She is really getting into drawing lately:

Here's some of Maggie's soccer action (she's got the bright yellow shoes).  She's still getting the hang of it, but seems to be understanding her position on the field better.  

Ben loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle and Wheels on the Bus lately.  He makes up his own lyrics, but sticks to the melody:


Some others:

Start 'em young

Note a great photo, but Ben's favorite new place to be

Trying to convince us she's an alien

Sumo baby

Wild child

Visiting Uncle Jason's tortoise

Saying "hi" to the fish


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