Friday, April 23, 2021

Evie and Jamie's Birthdays!

Evie is 6!  She has grown up a lot this year!  I love this girl so much, and see so much of myself (good and bad) in her.  We opted to not do a big kid party for Evie's birthday this year, so we really wanted to make it special.  

Officially Six!

Evie got to have her first friend sleepover with her best buddy from school after their soccer game.  They got very little sleep, but otherwise it went really well (except I got very few pictures)! 

Dental hygiene

Waiting for soccer to start... he's always lifting
up his shirt lately, not sure where this is coming from!

Mac n Cheese, dinner of champions

Sunday was the big surprise.  We pretended to be taking the girls to Aunt Amy's for vague reasons while Grammer stayed at home with Ben during his nap.  We actually drove them to Frankenmuth to stay at "the castle" (Bavarian Inn), which is one of Evie's favorite places.  

We got to go swimming, eat dinner in the hotel room, play putt-putt and play in the arcade.  She was so thrilled and surprised, it was awesome!  Both girls were great about wearing masks the whole time, even swimming!  

Sporting their new suits from the Easter Bunny

Fun with Dad (we got the pool to ourselves!)

Vegging after dinner

Putt-putt fun

Still working on grip technique

Evie won this herself in a claw machine,
it was impressive!

Pool hair, don't care

The following day was her actual birthday, and the girls were psyched to skip school on a Monday.  We opened presents, had her requested dinner of noodles and pancakes, followed by ice cream cake.  Whirlwind of fun! 

We actually did get to see Aunt Amy and crew on our way
home at Bronner's!

We're both tired and ready for a nap!


Jamie decorated to make a Pokemon cake as requested

So many presents!

My fave photo of the day - new gear from
Uncle John and Aunt Michelle

Jamie put really cool LED lights around the bunk bed perimeter
with a remote to change the colors, patterns, etc.  
She loves it!

Two days later was Jamie's birthday, can't forget him!  Since I knew we'd have a busy weekend with Evie's birthday, I set up a surprise Escape Room outing with a few of his friends beforehand.  I sent him to CVS to "get a prescription" for me, where is friends creepily accosted him!  They said it was pretty fun and they managed to solve the clues.  Then we had drinks and snacks on our deck, lots of fun!

They had to start handcuffed together
(thankfully they are vaccinated!)

Jamie described his actual birthday as "delightful."  He is clearly loved at Lakeview, coming home with lots of little gifts from teachers and students, including some sweets!

We celebrated Amy and him at the Donoghue's and then the two of us went to a chilly Tigers game.  Again, delightful.  Grabbed a quick dinner and drinks after to end the night.

Jamie mentioned wanting a vanity plate a while back...
easy gift!

Finally back in Comerica!

Some others:

Sucker as big as his head

Unicorn ring toss

Souvenirs from our New Orleans trip

After 5 years, finally playing with the
caterpillar tunnel...

Mix Master Ben

Sunset art

Games with Grandpa

Happy boy

Happy to be playing soccer again!

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