Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Quiet January

January has been pretty noneventful for us, which is actually a nice break.  So I figure it's time for a child status update:

Maggie is doing great in school and has a couple really good friends (and they both have siblings Evie's age!).  She is starting to get the more moody / teenager vibe, but I suppose that is expected!  She's an avid reader (mostly because we won't let her on the ipad after 8) and still very into creative art projects.  Maggie is such a sweet kid, and seems to get along with everyone around her.  She also loves baking, and I wish we had more time to experiment together.  Loves tacos and all sweets.

Happy girl

Evie is becoming a better reader every day, and has made a lot of progress since the beginning of the year!  She has my quick temper, but is also getting a lot better and admitting wrongs and apologizing.  Evie still enjoys soccer and is practicing with her team once a week inside (and her coach let's Maggie tag along too!).  While Maggie is more motherly towards Ben, Evie is his buddy and playmate.  She loves having dance parties (even if it's just her) and pretending to do gymnastics with Ben.  Loves pears and Vernors, hates most other healthy things!

She cracks herself up

Ben is definitely the adored baby, and is very happy-go-lucky.  He potty-trained really quickly, and stays dry through the night with no coaxing from us (the girls took forever!).  He loves to sing songs at bedtime, is really into Spiderman right now, and basically repeats everything you say whether he understands it or not.  He is scared of smoke detectors (after I accidently set ours off) and doesn't like car lights flashing in our windows... Ben loves marshmallows, yogurt and ice cream, but still happily eats most things we give him!


On MLK day we donated some items and went on Royal Oak's march.  I think they normally do service projects, but kept it simple this year with an outdoor walk due to COVID.  The girls got to make signs, drink hot chocolate and even ran into some friends!

In typical Maggie perfectionist fashion, she did not have enough
time to finish her sign the way she wanted!

Evie wrote "be kind to everyone" as her message

The girls were bored one night and decided to put on a fashion show for us.

Work it, darling

So fabulous

Some others:
Sometimes I miss them sharing a room... builds character

Unicorn game with Daddy

He's such a sweetie

Chasing after the garbage truck

Here's Ben singing the rainbow lullaby - had to save his little singing voice:

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