Thursday, December 20, 2012

Growing baby

Maggie had another pediatrician appointment on Tuesday, and I'm happy to report that she is now 7 lb 6 oz, which is 4 oz above her birth weight!  The doctor said she's looking great and doesn't need to come back until she is 2 months old.

We put on the third set of casts today, and Maggie did very well.  Diaper changes are actually way more traumatic for her than casting, so I'm not upset about going to the orthopedic's office anymore.  Here's her unwrapped feet after her bath this morning:

 Stop taking pictures and put some clothes on me, woman!

Before 3rd set of casts

I love giving her a bath ~ she smells so good afterward, and she's usually pretty calm during the whole process as long as I have the noise of trickling water in the sink.  We still have to do sponge baths because her umbilical cord isn't totally removed yet.

Maggie is definitely a night owl!  She sleeps wonderfully during the day so I have time to get a bunch of stuff done, but as soon as Mommy and Daddy want some quality sleep, she's wide awake!  I'm trying to make sure Jamie get at least 6 hours of sleep so that he can function at work, which means a lot of quick naps during the night for me... I can't wait to get more than a few hours of sleep at once!  Okay, I'll stop whining, I know everyone has to go through this :)  Thankfully Jamie has the next two weeks off work; it will be great to have him around during the day!

We are looking forward to Christmas festivities!  We have lots of things scheduled every day next week; hopefully we can get everything done, but I'm not going to push it!  I'm excited to put her cute Christmas outfits on!

Pensive Maggie

This is the life!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

More photos!

This has been a great week!  Maggie is doing very well, eating a lot and starting to space out her feedings a little more which means more sleep for us!  Jamie went back to work this week, which I expected to be really hard.  It seemed like he was back home before I blinked - the day just flies by!  I think it's harder on him because he still isn't getting enough sleep and it's difficult to be away from such a cutie pie all day long.

I am a serious ballerina - don't mess with me!

Maggie got her second set of casts on Thursday and wasn't too pleased about it, but she was okay as soon as we finished.  The doctor said her left foot is a little stiffer than her right and may require a little bit longer in casting to correct.

Before putting the 2nd cast on

We also had another pediatrician visit on Thursday and thankfully Maggie has put on several ounces since her last visit.  She still isn't back to her birth weight, but she should be there by early next week.

She is just the best baby ever, and we couldn't be happier!  She's very calm and doesn't fuss much, seems to enjoy music and of course being held.  Her little smiles are my favorite, even though they aren't deliberate, they melt my heart.

We finally got the CD of photographs from the hospital photographer.  It was awesome, they take photos of every baby that is born and then you decide later if you want to purchase anything.  They turned out way better than I originally anticipated.  Let me know if you want any of the electronic files!


























Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Welcome, Baby Maggie!

Margaret (Maggie) Grace Donoghue was born on Monday December 3 at 10:50 PM!  She was 7 lb - 2 oz and 19.5 inches, and was born with a full head of hair!

I went into triage on Monday afternoon to get checked out because I thought I might have leaked water that morning.  I was pretty sure it was a waste of time and was anxious to get back to work when the doctor walked in and told me that my water had partially broken and I was going to have a baby that day (2 weeks early)!

Such a mix of emotions, mostly fear and excitement!  Jamie was still at work because I told him the visit was probably no big deal, so he went into panic daddy-to-be mode when I called with the news and rushed home to get our overnight bag and then headed to the hospital.  My mom also drove down in the afternoon to be with me. It was such  comfort to have them in the room during everything.  Jamie's whole family and my Dad were in the waiting room and were able to meet Maggie right after she was born.

I have to say, delivery was not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.  The worst part was the contractions before the epidural; afterward I felt so much better!  Jamie held my hand and helped me breathe through everything.  When it was time to push, everyone cheered me on and she was born after about 20 minutes of pushing.  All in all it was a short process, a little over 4 hours of true labor.  I couldn't believe how fast everything progressed!

Here's our little darling in the hospital:

Daddy is getting the hang of burping her!

So tired... so happy

Grandma and Grandpa's first grandchild

Grammer and Pops holding grandkid #8

We were relieved to come home last Wednesday afternoon - no more nurses pricking our little girl or waking her up!

First car seat ride!

The first 2 or 3 days home were incredibly difficult for me, and I think Jamie too.  We knew there would be lack of sleep, but we had no idea how intense it would be!  My insane hormones turned me into a blubbering crybaby - wasn't expecting that either!  Thankfully I'm feeling a lot more like myself now.  Trying to feed was the hardest part for me because it took so much time and didn't seem to be going well.

As most of you probably already know, Maggie was expected to be born with clubbed feet.  This is a correctible condition that we'll be working on for the next few years.  On Thursday, Maggie got her first casts to begin correcting her clubbed feet.  I was sobbing in the doctor's office beforehand because I expected it to be a horrible experience for her.  The doctor brought in another couple that was just finishing with the club foot treatment for their daughter to tell us about their experience, and they reassured us that while it is a challenge, it really isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Maggie was a total trooper through everything, and I don't think the casts have bothered her since!  They were surprisingly light and quick to put on.  What a relief!  We'll probably have 9-12 weeks of casts, with a new cast every week, and then she'll wear special shoes with a brace between them for 24 hours a day.  Not sure how long the 24-hour wear will be required, but she'll have to at least sleep with the braces on until she's four.

On Friday we had to get her hips checked to make sure everything was normal (they are good!), and then we had our first pediatrician appointment.  Maggie was looking really orange to us, and I wasn't sure if she was getting enough to eat from breastfeeding.  The doctor sent us to Beaumont to get some labs done.  She called a couple hours later and it turned out that Maggie's jaundice level was too high and her blood sugar was too low.  So then we had to pack everything up and head back to Beaumont to do light therapy for the jaundice and to work on feeding.  This was a really difficult time for us - we were so worried about her and so sleep deprived that we felt like we were in a twilight zone.  I don't think I stopped crying until the middle of the night - people who saw me in the hallways probably thought I was crazy!  Jamie was so supportive and loving throughout everything, I'm so blessed to have such an amazing husband.

Here's Maggie, a.k.a. Robo-Baby, rocking her cool sunglasses and casts under the blue light.

Thankfully my milk was just coming in, so I was able to pump at the hospital and finally give her the nourishment she needed!  The jaundice treatment worked great and she was completed by early morning the following day.  Her blood sugar level was also back to normal.  We stayed at the hospital until late afternoon for follow-up checks and another visit from our pediatrician.  The whole experience turned out to be a blessing in disguise - I can now feed her by pumping and know that she is getting enough food.  She looks much better and is a happy, active baby!  Every day has gotten easier since Saturday!

Our parents have been a huge help, staying with her so that we can get some sleep, cooking us dinner, buying last-minute stuff that we hadn't bought yet, and just supporting us through this overwhelming and amazing experience.  Thank you!!

That was a pretty long spiel, sorry for that.  Here are some more pictures to reward you for reading everything, or being smart enough to scroll to the bottom!

Baby's first encounter with Spiderman - Jamie insisted that we document this!

"Not sure what to do here, Mom"

Go Blue!

All these doctor visits make me sleepy!

Gas smile

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

37 Weeks = Full Term!

I'm now carrying a full-term baby!  I went to the doctor on Monday, and I'm still at 2 cm with no effacement...  I'm so excited to meet our little girl, all this waiting is torture!  She's an active baby, and really seems to enjoy cuddling with my rib cage.

We also met our orthopedic surgeon on Monday, and we both felt really comfortable with him.  He has the most experience with club feet in the midwest region, and actually trained with Dr. Ponsetti (the doc who developed the method for correcting club foot).  I think we're both anxious about the road ahead, but I know we'll be okay.

Thanksgiving weekend was a whirlwind!  Thanksgiving was at my Mom's house, and was delicious (nom nom nom leftovers!).  Jody, Ed and Alex were in town, yay! We also had a bunch of out-of-town friends visiting us throughout the weekend, and hosted our first kegger in the new house (don't we sound like responsible parents?)!  It was great to see everyone, though it just makes me wish they would all move back to Michigan!  

Hopefully I'll have some exciting news to post soon!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Welcome to our blog! We'll use this to give updates on our family life, mostly about our new baby girl! She is expected sometime around December 16, and we can't wait!

I am currently at 36 weeks, and am trying to make sure everything is ready for the big day. Jamie finished painting the nursery, all the clothes and bedding are washed, overnight bag is packed, frozen meals are prepared... I feel like I'm forgetting something! I am busy coordinating my time off from work, which should be about 11 weeks long. Jamie will have some time off from Bishop Foley around Christmas, and hopefully a few more days to help me figure this whole parenting thing out! He's been an incredible, supportive husband, and I know he'll be an amazing Daddy.

I went to the doctor today and am 2 cm dilated.  Apparently this is somewhat unusual for first-time moms, but not necessarily an indication of early delivery (but I hope I'm a little bit early!).   Everything else was normal :)

Here's some photos:

Jamie painted this cute mural for the nursery:

Here's the other side of the nursery:

Me at 36 weeks (gross):