Sunday, May 18, 2014

Playing Catch-up

It's been a while since I updated; last weekend was just too crazy busy to find time for the blog.  I'll try to remember what all has happened in the past couple weeks...

Jamie's big art show at Bishop Foley was a couple weeks ago.  He had some really great pieces of work, all different kinds.  I was really impressed that a single teacher was able to bring about so much work over the course of the year.  I heard a few parents saying the same thing... so proud of my husband!

Some of his students' work

Last weekend I had the stomach flu for the third time this year!  If you see me next fall, please ask me if I've had my flu shot yet, and if I haven't, smack me hard!

We held a big diaper party at the house on Saturday for our friends Adam and Sara, and then Sunday was Mother's Day.  We went to church and breakfast with my side of the family, and then went over Jamie's parents' for dinner.  It was a really nice day, and Maggie had an awesome time playing with her cousin Luke!

Mother's Day 2014

Come on, Grammer, I'll show you
where to go

I'll show you too, Uncle Bobby

Classy pose, Magz

Present time for Grammer!

Hanging with Aunt Amy

Going for a walk with Grandma!

We're so excited because Maggie gets a new cousin this Thursday, and hopefully another one in June or July!!  Our friends Mike and Ashley had their baby boy, Thomas (Tommy) this week, and he is a little cutie-pie.  It's raining babies!

This week was pretty good, except Maggie had a minor cold most of the week.  She wasn't too bad, but we definitely couldn't send her to daycare.  My mom came to spend the day with her on Thursday, and said Maggie was just a cuddle-bug all day.

Thursday was also Grandma's birthday!  We had a delicious dinner at a new restaurant on the Nautical Mile (which required a lot of walking around with Maggie to keep her quiet), and yummy cake at the house.  Mom was bragging because she could blow out all the candles in one breath now that she's done smoking - so awesome, very proud of her hard work!

Can't you sing better than that?

Maggie has been ridiculously cute this weekend.  We were so busy last weekend, and it was wonderful to spend some quality time with her these past couple days.  She's doing great with her walking, and loves to "run" into hugs with us.  She kept coming up to me today and hugging me, I loved it!


How can you not love this girl?

This morning my Mom and I braved the crowds to check out the flower show at Eastern Market.  It was so cool (literally, it was pretty chilly), and it was really fun to see all the different things available.  We got there right when it opened at 7:00, and by the time we left at 8:45 it was almost impossible to maneuver through the aisles! We brought a wagon and made two trips back to the car with everything!  I think my favorite "find" was my hydrangea - 2 huge, gorgeous plants for $25 total = winning!  Next weekend is going to be all about the yard... getting tired just thinking about it!

Inspecting my purchases

I love being outside!!

Here's Maggie playing around while I did some weeding:

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