Sunday, June 29, 2014

Birthday, Shower, Rinse, Repeat

We had a very busy week and weekend in this household, mostly fun stuff though.  Jamie has been out of town since Thursday night for our friend Will's bachelor party - I'm waiting for him to come home soon.  He said the same thing he said after his bachelor party - it just reaffirms that while you love hanging with your buddies, you're definitely better off with your wife!  I agree!

Maggie has been such a good girl this week.  We keep having events to take her to that mess with her nap schedule, and she is still a sweetheart (although a little tired) through everything.  She's repeating more things that we say, every now and then you'll hear a string of repeated words too.  She loves being outside and pointing out all the animals.  If there's a different noise, such as a helicopter or lawnmower, she will stop dead in her tracks, and point to her ear (Grandma does this with her) so that you will stop and listen to the new sounds with her.

On Monday, Jamie and Maggie stopped by City Hall to have a quick brownbag with me by the fountain.  Have I mentioned how much I love my new job?


She kept trying to climb up and in...
thankfully her legs are just a little too short to get up there

On Wednesday we celebrated my Mom's birthday with dinner at Rainforest Cafe!  I think Luke and Maggie both enjoyed the scenery, but we couldn't keep Maggie in her seat at all - there was just too much to look at!  Thankfully my family helped walk her around so we could cram some food in our mouths.  Afterward we went to the playscape in the mall - Maggie hasn't really done this in a very long time (not since she could walk anyway), so she was soooo happy.

Can we live here?

We could not get Maggie to come out
of the tunnel!

Trying to get a birthday photo with
Grammer, but there's just too much to see!

All aboard!

On the look-out for trouble

Woo!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!

We had Amy and Rex's baby shower this Saturday at Palm Palace in Auburn Hills, and it turned out really nice!  They got lots of cute things, and have most of the stuff they need for their new baby.  We are so excited to meet this little boy - he could come at any time, the birth mom is 4cm already!

Parents to be!

Had to snap a photo of the food - soo tasty!
I'm addicted to garlic butter now.

Wait, I have to share you with
another cousin?!  Fine... as long
as I can boss him around.

My pretty girl

When in doubt, distract with balloons!

Maggie and I had a great day today.  We went to church, and I didn't have to take her to the back once!  We had fun walking outside, coloring, taking a bath and just hanging out.  I love days like this.

She really enjoyed playing with the
leaves today

Going once, twice - sold to the
sassy little girl!

Monday, June 23, 2014


Now that Jamie is home for the summer, he is usually the one to get Maggie up and dressed for the day... he also attempts to do her hair:

Hair-do?  More like hair-don't!
I miss Mommy!

I think we need to give Daddy basic lessons!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summertime fun

We had a rather uneventful week around here.  Jamie spent a couple days painting a nursery in Detroit, which I think turned out awesome.  Hopefully he'll get a couple for gigs for the summer!

We went to Jamie's cousin's graduation party on Saturday, and Maggie had an awesome time!  There were several kids around that showered her with attention - she was in her glory.  She is a huge fan of all the middle eastern food - kibbe, hummus and tabbouleh.  She wouldn't say away from my plate!  Jamie suggested that I learn how to make all these foods so the traditions get passed down... and I suggested that HE learn how to make all this awesome stuff and make it for me instead (and also rice pudding)!  I'll let you know how that goes...

Outta my way, I've got stuff to see

Am I cute enough to interrupt your
volleyball match?

Today we just hung around the house and played after church.  She took a 3-hour nap, which was super amazing for everyone!  We took a walk to our nearby shop, where Maggie got to have her first blow-pop - she loved it of course.

Hanging out before church

First blow-pop!

Trying to make baby doll more gansta

Addicted to the paci - I'm tryin' to quit

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Today was father's day, so we had some fun family time.  First we went to church, and Jamie had to fly solo because I was cantoring... she was a handful today, so they spent most of mass in the back.  Poor guy, I think all he wanted was to sleep in and relax this morning, but he got the opposite!

Thanks for being my daddy!

Look at my pretty dress from Grandma

My family came over for brunch later in the morning, and we feasted outside in the beautiful weather.  We woke Maggie up in the middle of her nap so she wouldn't miss all the fun with her cousins... perhaps that was a mistake... she was pretty groggy and not very interested in the pool.  Luke had a fun time in the kiddie pool though, and loved squirting everyone!

Fun in the sun

I'm gonna get you!

Maggie first saw her pool yesterday, and was very interested.  I didn't feel like grabbing her bathing suit, so we went in the old fashioned way:

Swimsuit calendar contender

This is Maggie after the party this morning,
looking graceful as always

We were getting Maggie changed to head over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner.  As soon as her fresh dress was on, and her hair was finished, she barfed all over the place.  I'm hoping she just ate something that didn't agree with her instead of actually being sick.  She had a very weird schedule and eating times today, so I'm hoping she'll be okay tomorrow.  We took a quick shower and then relaxed on the couch with some crackers and juice while Jamie went to his parents.  Bummed we couldn't see Grandpa today!

Sometimes TV just makes
everything better

 Here's a few other photos/videos from the week:

Goofing off before work

Maggie's last day of daycare for the year!
Her "teacher" is sad to see her go, she'll be in a
new room next year!

"Helping" me wash the windows

Sometimes she just won't stop talking...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

18 Months!

We had Maggie's 18 month check-up this week, and she is in great shape.  She met all the milestones for this age, and is still in the 98th percentile for height and weight (33.5 inches and 28.75 pounds).  This is all great news, but you wouldn't know it based on Maggie's behavior during the doctor visit.  This picture pretty much sums up our outing:

Yes, I am a terrible mother
I took the time to snap this photo
instead of comfort my child...

I'm thinking she recalls getting 4 awful shots at the last visit, and was prepared for the worst this time around!

Maggie is stringing together words now, though it's pretty hard to understand.  She's definitely saying "I did it" and "I am."  I think we're getting closer to better communication!

Our little chatterbox:

Maggie's first taste of slurpee!

Here's a fun little story...Yesterday my mom came over to help me out with a few errands around town, so I was rushing to get all the boring housework and yard work finished so I could spend the rest of the day having fun.  I was totally on track, just had to finish cleaning the bathroom.  Maggie was tagging along with me to "help" clean.  She wouldn't stay away from the toilet and toilet paper roll, so I put her in the hallway and shut the door so I could finish up quickly... but I forgot what was sitting right outside the door... two minutes later I open the door and the contents of our dust-buster are all over the hall... yuck!  Needless to say, I had to throw Maggie in the shower with me to get all cleaned up.  We dried off and I was laying out her towel and clothes on the floor when I look up and she is just standing there, looking at me as the pee puddles around her on the floor I just cleaned... I couldn't help but crack up, she just kept trying to foil my cleaning attempts!

Grammer, wait 'til I tell you what
I did to my mom this morning

Today we played on the driveway with her sidewalk chalk.  It got pretty messy, but she had a great time!

Uncle Justin would be so proud of this photo

Maggie loves her special hat from Grandma

Watchin' the tube before bedtime

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Who needs sleep?

 It's been a rough few nights in the Donoghue household.  Maggie is waking up a lot, and can't seem to calm herself down in her crib.  Even if we rock her into a twilight sleep, she wakes up as soon as we set her in the crib and just wails non-stop.  Today it was finally apparent that her canine teeth are coming in - so at least we know what the problem is.  Teeth are the worst.

Saturday we popped over to Bobby and Al's for quick visit with the family.  I got to cuddle with little Claire again while Maggie followed Luke's every move.  She just adores him.  She also met their cat, Pumpkin, who has an aversion to all things human.  She was able to pet the cat a few times before getting the hiss of death!  Maggie still wanted to follow her around - thankfully the cat has good hiding places.

Playing on the stairs

You shall not pass, Daddy!

Afterward we stopped over the Vukich house to see Mike and Ashley's new baby boy.  They have a lot of young kids in the family, so Maggie had a blast observing and playing.

Baby Tommy with his daddy

She loved petting Jack, who is probably
twice her weight!

Today we went to Ypsi for Will and Kim's wedding shower!  It was great to see a bunch of our friends, and I know several of the ladies at the shower enjoyed seeing Maggie.  Jamie and I tag-teamed child-watching duty.  Apparently she was dancing on the bar while she was with Jamie - must have had too much milk!  We took several walks with her outside.  She liked to wave and say "bye bye" to all the people eating outside.  Poor Maggie was so exhausted by the end - she fell asleep quick after her bath tonight.  Fingers crossed that she stays asleep!

Dudes drinking at the bar (with Maggie)

Taking a break with Daddy

...and with Mommy

You can't see the arresting officer
off to the right

We went to Red Coat Tavern this week (over-hyped in my opinion) to grab a quick burger for dinner.  Maggie was pretty good the whole time, but she goes nuts anytime there are fries around.  It's a really dark restaurant with reddish lighting, so I call this Maggie's headshot for the remake of "The Shining."