Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Today was father's day, so we had some fun family time.  First we went to church, and Jamie had to fly solo because I was cantoring... she was a handful today, so they spent most of mass in the back.  Poor guy, I think all he wanted was to sleep in and relax this morning, but he got the opposite!

Thanks for being my daddy!

Look at my pretty dress from Grandma

My family came over for brunch later in the morning, and we feasted outside in the beautiful weather.  We woke Maggie up in the middle of her nap so she wouldn't miss all the fun with her cousins... perhaps that was a mistake... she was pretty groggy and not very interested in the pool.  Luke had a fun time in the kiddie pool though, and loved squirting everyone!

Fun in the sun

I'm gonna get you!

Maggie first saw her pool yesterday, and was very interested.  I didn't feel like grabbing her bathing suit, so we went in the old fashioned way:

Swimsuit calendar contender

This is Maggie after the party this morning,
looking graceful as always

We were getting Maggie changed to head over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner.  As soon as her fresh dress was on, and her hair was finished, she barfed all over the place.  I'm hoping she just ate something that didn't agree with her instead of actually being sick.  She had a very weird schedule and eating times today, so I'm hoping she'll be okay tomorrow.  We took a quick shower and then relaxed on the couch with some crackers and juice while Jamie went to his parents.  Bummed we couldn't see Grandpa today!

Sometimes TV just makes
everything better

 Here's a few other photos/videos from the week:

Goofing off before work

Maggie's last day of daycare for the year!
Her "teacher" is sad to see her go, she'll be in a
new room next year!

"Helping" me wash the windows

Sometimes she just won't stop talking...

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