Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Little Countess

Out of the blue last week, Maggie started counting up to thirteen.  I had heard her count to three before, but several times we'll start counting and she'll just lead the way!  Sometimes she forgets five or six, and really seems to love eight and twelve for some reason.

You have no idea what I have
stored in my noggin!

This past weekend we had two fun celebrations!  First my dear friend from college was in town to celebrate her recent marriage with her Michigan family!  I was so bummed that we couldn't make it to California for the actual wedding, so it was really great to see Bonde and her new hubby Matt (along with some other friends!)!  Also, the brunch was super tasty!  Maggie was all about the french toast.

Harma ladies and a couple harma babies! ...and Matt :)

 Afterward we drove north to celebrate Baby Will's dedication to the Christian faith.  Jamie and I were honored to be godparents along with his Aunt Robin and Uncle Tony.  It was a very nice service, again followed by some delicious food (can you tell I'm pregnant?)!

Proud godparents


Almost smiling for Aunty Amy

Here Daddy, let's break banana together

There was an awesome playroom adjacent to the dinner, so Maggie was in heaven!

We got a little bit of snow on Sunday, and Maggie was just thrilled.  So I dropped everything and we headed outside for a little bit.  I couldn't find her mittens anywhere, but I swear, we were only out there for 15 minutes!

What is this magic?

Maggie was concerned about the "mess" outside

Maggie had a great time in the snow, and she started singing something... let me know if you can figure this out, because I have no idea what she's going for:

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