Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Evie's 1st Birthday!

Our Evelyn Rose is 1 year old, and is a little ball of life!  She is such a happy-go-lucky girl, and has superbaby strength!  She likes eating pretty much everything and seems to be tolerating the transition to milk pretty well.   Evie is a very inquisitive kiddo, and is usually most interested in things she shouldn't touch (potty chairs, garbage cans, shoes…).  She is a very quick crawler now, and we really have to watch that the proper doors and baby gates are closed.  She also loves to sing her own compositions in the car as loud as possible.

Exactly 1 year old

...and moving on

My little smushy muffin face - where
did the year go?

We had the family over to celebrate this weekend, and were blessed with a gorgeous, sunny day (this is not usual for any event that I plan)!  The cousins all had fun at the Minnie Mouse party, and Evie seemed pleased with her cake.  I thought she would be wired all night after eating so much sugar, but my poor baby just passed out in my arms and slept through the night.

Evie's not-so-mini Minnie cake

Minnie cupcakes made by Jamie's former student

Don't even think about it

Just getting started

Trying to imitate Daddy's beard

Lessons on how to eat a cupcake

Will only has eyes for the cupcakes

Cupcake experts


So much to play with... decisions, decisions

Hanging with Claire in the basement

Cousin time!

Our tree bloomed just in time for the party!

I still wanted to make sure we did something special for Evie's actual birthday on Tuesday, so I asked Grandma to work with Maggie to bake a cake, and then I frosted it with Maggie after work on Monday… Let me know if you want me to decorate a cake for your kid, I’m clearly very talented:

I find this cake threatening

Attempting to open her gift... thankfully her big sister is around to help open and thoroughly test each toy:

Here’s a few others from the week:

Princess BB-8

Taking a stroll with Grandma

Crawling race!

Teething... must chew everything!
When you tell your daughter to put her
underwear on... and technically, she does.
My little butthead.

She's a bread girl

Popping a squat

Why so serious?


Helping hands

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