Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Halloween Fun

We had a great Halloween this year!  The weather was pretty warm, the kids were mostly healthy and they all loved their costumes.  Jamie was disappointed that we did not have a family-coordinated costumes (me too, heartbroken), but I'm glad the kids got to pick what they wanted.

Digging for pumpkin seeds

Carving day!

"This is so gross.  It's awesome."

Stay-Puft was proudly displayed again

The girls' school held a trunk-or-treat event, so they had some early Halloween fun.

Maggie and her crew... she chose to be a "zombie pop-star"

Our cute little bat

Hair and makeup

Actual Halloween, my crew leaving the house
Really into bats

Mickey Mouse Roadster Racer!
Dropping her new hit, "I love your brain"

Outdoor soccer season is OVER!  It was a good time, but I'm glad for a little more free time in our weekend schedule!  Maggie decided to take a break for now, and Evie is continuing with indoor soccer.  Both girls also signed up for a 6-week basketball rec program, and they are loving it!

They just realized their jersey's say "7-11" when
combined, and think that's just hillarious
Girl Talk is done - reinventing themselves
as the "Fireballs" next season

A smattering of Unicorns after their last game

We celebrated Sarah's 7th birthday last weekend - these kids are growing!

The blue-est cake in the entire world

Allison snapped this photo - perhaps my favorite
photo of Dad, who loves cats as much as I do!

"Protecting" Ben from the cat

Maggie really loves to bake, so Grandma dropped off a cake mix and pumpkin pan for her... she did everything all by herself with a little "help" from Ben.

Read those directions carefully!

So festive

She thought chocolate sprinkles would really
elevate this dish... she wasn't wrong!

A few weeks ago we took the kids to Jamie's former stomping grounds to play laser tag.  Grandma stayed with Ben in the lobby while the rest of us went inside.  Evie (like me) was really uncomfortable and anxious most of the time - turns out we don't like being hunted!  Maggie loved it and Jamie was in his glory.  We showed the kids where Jamie and I met each other all those years ago, and then went out to China Kitchen next door, which has not changed a bit!

"Look tough, kids"
Ben - nope

Dinner selfie!

Jamie took the kids to a Lakeview football game that was a "pink out".  They had a great time!

Chilly but fun!

Pump it up!

My people

Some others:
Daddy likes to give the girls Lego challenges:
this one was to build a piece of fruit
(apple/banana and apple/broccoli?)

Showing some support for Michigan vs. Michigan State!

Evie's friend needed a partner for her tennis match,
so Evie got to try it out - loved it!

Shaming Maggie for the amount of beverage
containers in her room on cleaning day

Jamie's annual "I didn't die putting up the Christmas lights" photo
(we're not crazy, it was just really warm outside
and a good time to do it!)

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