Monday, December 5, 2022

Maggie turns 10!

Our oldest is now in double-digits, wow!  Maggie celebrated her birthday this past weekend and had a great time!  As requested we did pancakes and donuts in bed for breakfast... and as I predicted the night before, it was too much food and she couldn't handle it, lol.

Happy 10th Birthday, Maggie!

Maggie loves that she's the only one who gets
birthday presents under a Christmas tree!

Maggie loves to bake and asked if she could make her own cake... she wanted to make a cake that looked like a giant Oreo!  We googled and found a recipe, and she really enjoyed making it.  Learned a few things in case we want to make it again, but overall, a success! 

Work in progress (yes she washed her hands diligently!)

Rather than have a friend party, Maggie asked if she could do horseback riding.  We reserved two spots and asked her if she'd like to take a friend or her sister... she said she had way too many friends to choose from and only one sister, so she chose Evie.  I love this girl's heart.

Happy girl

Evie did awesome!

They were able to do some trotting with the horses, and poor Maggie was bouncing all over the place!  I could tell it freaked her out a little bit.

Two cutie spectators
I'll take smooches while I can get 'em!
(he had to bring some pancakes for the road)

Later in the day we had the family over to celebrate!

Kids table - Chinese chicken for the win!

Cuddles with Grandma

A peek at the chaos
Played a shaving cream / cornball toss game...
whipped cream might have been a better option...

She was a good sport!

I also celebrated another year around the sun in November.  We did a quick family dinner with our parents and then rushed to see the new Black Panther movie; it was a fun night and the kids really enjoyed it!  

Thanks to my mom for this amazing tiramisu cake...
best cake ever!

My actual birthday was a couple days later, so Maggie made me her special cookie cake to celebrate - and then Jamie's mom came over with an ice cream cake!  So many sweets - no complaints here!

My crew

As class president, I had the annoying job of planning our 20-year high school reunion.  Thankfully a few other ladies offered to help with the planning.  After lots of zoom meetings and ideas, we ended up renting a party bus and galivanting around Detroit.  It turned out really fun and I was super excited that my best bud Erin came in from Maine to join!

Pretty decent turnout!

Completely sober Erin

Wearing our dorky Regina sweatshirts!

Jamie and I went to see the Michigan vs. Indiana game thanks to my big bro!  We nearly froze to death, but we stayed for the whole game because it was almost a choke - thankfully Michigan triumphed in the end!
Yay Ann Arbor!

In November, Maggie had to give a speech at school to be on the student senate... it turned out that all the kids made the cut, but she didn't realize that ahead of time!  That said, she got the most votes for the class that she's representing, so that was pretty great!  I wanted to record this sweet little voice for posterity.  Ben also wished to give a speech afterward.

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