Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Freeze Zone

Our house is so. cold.  We can handle it just fine, but poor Maggie is crawling all over the cold floor all day.  I'm trying to bundle her up without restricting her too much.

Cold temps can't get me down!
It looks like Maggie's first two molars are coming in on the bottom.  The gums look swollen and they feel different when I brush her teeth.  She's also been a little more dramatic than usual, but not too bad.  She's got another cold, which Jamie and I also caught.  I never used to get sick, but this little one brings some nasty stuff home from daycare!  Luckily it's been almost a month since she was last sick, so this is no big deal.

Really likes kissing herself in the mirror...
my little narcissist 

Maggie really likes to dance when she hears music.  Whenever a jingle or song comes on, she just stops and stares, and then eventually starts bobbing a little.  It's like the dog in "Up" when he sees a squirrel.  Also, Maggie is really into yoga:

Downward dog

How's my form, Mommy?

Jamie and I went to Chicago this past weekend to celebrate Rob's 30th birthday!  It was really fun to get away for a night, though it was sad to not tuck Maggie in.  I got to see a bunch of my harmas from college, which was awesome!

With my harma ladies
Not sure why I'm posing like this... perhaps I'm
getting ready to call the Power Rangers?

Most exciting news of the week:  Bobby and Al are having a little girl!  Maggie will teach her all the tricks about how to wrap daddy around her little finger:

Start with a turn-back pose

Then give him these eyes

Pretend to be interested in his stories

...and play video games with him!

Here's a couple other videos from the week:

Here is Maggie's first draft of her self-documentary:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Playmate

Maggie is OBSESSED with her baby doll from Aunt Marleen.  She likes to feed and burp her, and transports her everywhere around the house.  She's still working on the whole carrying thing... if there were any brains in the baby doll to begin with, they would probably have fallen out of her ears by now.  I asked Snoopy how he felt about Maggie's new playmate, and he said he had no comment (but you could see the pain in his eyes).

Time to go in your house, baby

Eat your cheerios, baby!

Only slightly abusive

Let's practice walking!

We went to happy hour with some friends on Friday, and brought Maggie along... she has now reached a point where it is WAY too much work to keep her occupied and happy while we eat.  I guess it's time to start looking for those super fast restaurants (or maybe I should just cook more).

Feeding herself with a little help from Daddy

As a Christmas gift, Amy and Rex got us tickets to Royal Oak's beer fest last night and stayed home to watch Maggie.  Thankfully she slept through the night, because we were pretty "tired" by the time we got home.  It was a ton of fun, lots of new tastes, and a bunch of free snack food - I never met a free sample I didn't like!

Here's some other randoms: 

It's-a Mario!

She always has this pensive look in her photos...
where's my smiling Maggie?


Say cheese for the camera!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sassy pants

This week was a good one with Maggie - she wasn't sick at all, and was such a joy to be with.  She's getting way more sassy when you tell her she can't do something, but otherwise she always has a great disposition.

She's learned where we keep the pacifiers...

Jamie thinks Maggie said her first real word this week - "bird" (we have an abnormal amount of bird things around the house).  I have no proof of this, but she definitely seems to be trying harder to communicate with us.

My lips are sealed!

Maggie is getting closer to walking each day.  She does great on her walker and will let us lead her with our hands.  She walks with her feet almost turned all the way out... I'm starting to wonder if her feet have been over-corrected with the braces.  We'll see her orthopedic doctor in a few weeks to check everything out.

We went to the ENT this week and Maggie did well.  We took a hearing test in a special booth that Maggie seemed to enjoy.  The doctor said that she still has a little fluid in her ears, but nothing to be worried about at this time.  He wants to check her out again in a couple months, and we'll figure out then if she should get tubes.

Look at all these germy toys I insisted
on playing with!

Maggie still loves her Snoopy - it's the only thing I see her hug and kiss:


Just whipping up a snack in my kitchen

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy 2014!  I realize it makes no sense, but I always feel better when the year is an even number... this year will be great!

Maggie has been having fun at home with Daddy all week - he didn't have school Monday through Wednesday due to the weather.  She had a blast with her favorite man!

Maggie is eating great now!  She really likes to eat food herself, and is starting to get the hang of using utensils.  Scrambled eggs and yogurt are probably her favorite foods at the moment (besides Cheerios and puffs).  

We've gone to the doctor several times for ear infections in the past few months, and today we are going to see an ENT specialist to see if Maggie needs tubes.  To be continued...

Last week we met up with Erin, Dan and baby James while they were in town.  It was great to see them and hold a little bitty baby again (forgot how awesome that baby smell is).

Baby James!

Prime rib please

Here's some random photos from the past week:

Playing with Grandma

Shopping is exhausting!

Maggie LOVES her new push car.  We push her around in the basement (until the weather is better), and she screams and giggles.

Out of my way!

Playing with Kate!

My little prodigy... she's really into playing
that funky, dissonant, non-rhythmic music
After she plays her little piano, Maggie likes to crawl over to the real one: