Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back to School

Jamie's students started class this past Thursday, and he's been busy getting everything together.  We had a fun outing on Sunday at the meet and greet picnic - Maggie got to run all over the bleachers and football field, and was in her glory!


It all starts here, guys.  Dig deep.

Maggie 1 and Maggie 2
(one of the other teacher's daughter)

I thought we were finished with our basement issues, but we ended up hiring a company to remove some of the drywall due to mold issues.  We now have the bottom 12 inches of drywall removed around most of the perimeter - it looks pretty goofy.  We're starting a new trend - most people like to finish their basements, while we're looking to un-finish ours!

Do you hear that Mommy?  That's the sound
of you trendy new basement making news!

This is how real artists do it

Please come out.  Can't we just talk
like adults?

Out of my way!  Wonder Woman
is here to save the day!

My poor little nephew Will had to have surgery this week because food wasn't getting from his stomach to his intestines.  I know it was really scary for Amy and Rex, but thankfully everything went very well and he's doing great now!

I'm a champ!

Thursday we went to cousin Betsy's to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Aunt Judy and Uncle Walt!  They are a very loving couple, and we're so happy for them!

Playing on their awesome swing set!

Maggie went back to daycare this past Friday, and moved into the toddler room.  I was so anxious the night before and all during the day (even called to check in on her).  I was worried she would feel abandoned in a new room with a new teacher.  She was a little unsure when we first arrived, but they said she was awesome the whole day.  She was definitely thrilled to see Daddy at the end of the day, but no meltdowns or sad moments!  She even napped a little over an hour (last year she almost never napped at daycare).  I think it's going to be great year!

Today we had an awesome Saturday.  We went to the zoo, and all the animals were really entertaining because it was so cool and overcast.  We all took a 2 hour nap afterward, and Mommy went for a pedicure.  I decided to do zero work today - we just needed a family breather!  Tonight we're going out to celebrate our 4th anniversary - so glad I have this guy, I really needed him these past few weeks!

First train ride at the zoo!

Zebras and giraffes were her favorite
animals this time

Taking time to smell the flowers

I'm going to go play with the animals!

We went to lunch afterward, and made the rookie parent mistake of ordering spaghetti despite the fact that we forgot a bib.  She actually did a pretty good job eating without ruining her clothes.

That's a good-a meatball!

Maggie likes to pretend she's a horse jockey sometimes:

After a long day of fun, Maggie tends to nap pretty hard... though I've never heard her snore like this!  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Worst Week Ever?

This was probably not the worst week of my life, but I think it ranks in the top 5...

So our basement flooded Monday, about 12 inches.  This was actually not terrible considering our next door neighbors had four feet!  They had to tear out all their drywall and throw pretty much everything away.  We threw a lot of stuff away, but there wasn't anything super sentimental or new.

No big deal, Mom, take it easy!

Tuesday night Jamie's dad came over to help us carry all the wet carpet and furniture to the curb.  We made really good headway, washed most of the floor and cleaned most of the salvageable stuff.  I was exhausted by the end of it!

Then Wednesday morning we walked downstairs and found 2 inches of water... seriously?!  We called a plumber who snaked our line and replaced our (broken) sump pump, which was the culprit.  At this point, I'm just really frustrated with having to re-clean everything, scrub the floors again, and restart the drying process.  But I figured the worst was over, and we could move on...

Playing Daddy's drums while they're upstairs

...the newest trend in dishware

Then on Friday as I was leaving the Donoghues to take Maggie home after work, an excellent driver changed her mind while turning left in front of me and quickly reversed, hitting my car and screwing up the front end.  Everyone was ok, but it was the last thing I wanted to deal with!

Saturday we finally had a bright spot - our home insurance is going to cover us for our losses!  This was such a relief, I can't even describe it.  We've heard of so many people who didn't get anything.  We are planning to donate some of the funds to help people who are in the hole from this disaster.

Today Jamie's car started smelling really bad, and we determined his radiator is leaking... so we have two cars in the shop and it's really hard to get a rental right now because of all the flooding - really hoping this is the last bad thing!

We didn't get a lot of photos this week, but here's a few:

Maggie also likes to set new fashion trends 

Playtime at the mall!

Maggie usually takes a few minutes to
observe all the kids before jumping in


Ooops, down

Here's a couple photos from our vacation last week that I forgot to get off Jamie's phone:

Watching the horse parade with Grandma

Turtle ride!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Mackinac, Baptism and The Great Flood

So this was a rather insane weekend, with lots of fun and several Maggie meltdowns.  Friday we left mid-morning (after a work meeting) and drove up north for a late lunch and beers at Shorts Brewery with Jamie's cousin Sue and her girlfriend Sukey.  We both really liked the brewery, but we were so preoccupied with Maggie that I think we missed out on some of the ambiance.  I definitely want to go back again someday!

Wha?! We're going on a trip!

Afterward we drove to Mackinac and got the 6:30pm ferry just in time to meet up with all of Jamie's family and head over to the island.  Maggie thoroughly enjoyed the ferry ride!

I'm on a boat, with my flippy floppies!

So much wind!

We got to see Uncle Justin and visit the bike shop that he's worked at all summer.  I have to say, it's a pretty awesome way to spend the summer, and my previous self is (was?) very jealous of him.  We checked out a little bit of the town and then had a nice family dinner.  Maggie was starting to lose her cool around 7pm... so you can imagine that it was a bit stressful until we left at 10:30pm.  My baby girl is generally very sweet, but when she misses out on sleep, it's tantrum after tantrum!

You won't like me when I'm angry

The Donoghues!

Saturday was awesome.  We all went to the splash pad (even little Will joined in), then the pool, and even the lake.  I thought Maggie might not enjoy the lake, but she was so happy to be able to walk around in water (all the other pools she's been in have been too deep).

What is this sorcery?

Looking good, honey

Time to get a bathing suit on!

Splash splash!

Vacation is the best!

This is the life!

This is what I think of vegetables, Mom

Bubble time.  It's how we roll.

After playing all day, we drove home and put our little girl to bed.  She slept a little in the car, but mostly just watched Frozen.

Sunday was Claire's baptism!  I was a very proud godmother of this little cutie-pa-tootie!

Claire Marie!

With her most important teachers

What a good looking family!


Proud aunt and uncle

Can't forget Grammer and Pops!

On the hunt for a kitty cat!

Today was a Monday, a really really Monday-errific Monday.  It's been raining pretty hard all afternoon, and the water is currently about 10 feet from our house, about 2.5 feet deep in the street.  Jamie has been helping people push their stalled cars out of the flood.  Our basement drain and laundry tub are currently spilling water into the basement at an alarming rate, and we have about 4 inches of water... at this point there is nothing left to do but wait and file a claim.  All our neighbors' basements are flooding too.  Keeping my eye out for Noah's dove... seriously, where is it?!?

Fun Stuff.

Monday, August 4, 2014

August already?

Maggie’s vocabulary has been growing quite a bit these past couple weeks, and her pronunciation is improving too.   For some reason, I love the way she says “mouth.”   She pronounces it perfectly.

Jamie and I went with our buddies Julie and Ryan to a Tigers game on Friday and had awesome seats, front row on the first-base-line.  Jamie finally got his hands on a foul ball!  Maggie enjoyed playing with our new “ba-ball,” though she seems to be more into soccer than baseball:

I have to say, I was rather shocked that Jamie let her play with the ball at all!  Just shows how much his priorities have changed.  Maggie > Memorabilia.


Jamie was lucky enough to see Jennifer Garner in person this week with Maggie.  She and Ben Affleck are living in Royal Oak while he shoots a movie, and we’ve heard they go to a lot of our favorite spots around town.  Jamie took Maggie to Grant Park and Jennifer was there with her 3 kids.  He didn’t try to bother her, but as they were all leaving to get out of the rain, Maggie was jabbering and walking in everyone’s way as usual, and Jennifer said, “she’s adorable.”  (is it pathetic that I find this newsworthy?)  This is all from Jamie’s mouth… so for all I know, he saw her and professed his love, after which she replied, “that’s adorable” with sympathizing eyes.

Earlier this week we got to meet Adam and Sara's new baby girl, Hazel!  Maggie was practicing her babysitting skills... she still needs a little training!

Don't worry, I totally got this

Jamie goes back to school very soon, so he’s trying to enjoy all his time with Maggie before the summer ends.

Daddy, I've processed all the data

And I've drawn you this pretty picture

So let's play soccer!

The bigger the sunglasses, the cooler I am!

Absolutely fabulous, darling

Grandma turned one her old tank tops into
a little dress for messy play time - too cute!

Hanging with Grandpa

Sleeping with Grandpa

Maggie loves playing the piano, and
loves adjusting my music even more

Future sports fan?  Attorney?
Air traffic controller?