Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Trip to Belle Isle

This weekend we met our friends Adam and Sara at Belle Isle to check out the aquarium and the conservatory.  It was something a little different for Maggie, and free!  Maggie really enjoyed seeing all the fish at the aquarium... she was very into it for the first 20 minutes or so, then she was very into playing with another little girl.  I loved visiting the conservatory - it was super warm and humid, felt like being in a tropical area.  It was pretty depressing to step outside after that!

The jellyfish were my favorite!
Stingrays remind me a Roombas

Maggie's new friend for the day

Playing with Mr. Adam and baby Hazel!

I see you

Some other random photos from the week:

Will is getting tired of all the attention from ladies

"Watching" basketball
Love this face

Maggie attempting to name all the princesses on her popcorn tin:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Quick update

Maggie is all about saying "yes" right now instead of "uh huh" and "yeah."  It's very succinct (and cute).  She is eating great again, all about the proteins.  We had such a hard time getting her to eat anything the past couple months, so this has been a nice relief.  

Do you want me to stop poking you?

Friday morning we were getting ready to take Maggie to daycare.  For some reason, we were all in perfect sync!  We were ready early, bags packed, coats on and getting in the cars... then Maggie barfed all over Daddy.  Thankfully Grandma came over to watch Maggie for the day, and we were both just a little late to work.  She's been fine all weekend, so it must have been a little bug or something didn't agree with her.

Daddy stayed up until 3:30 last night painting Maggie's new room, so we had a girls' day today and let him sleep in all morning.  First we had breakfast at home, Maggie is really into cereal all of a sudden.

Then I took her to Jungle Java for some fun time.  We had never been there before, and wow, it was overwhelming.  I think a lot of parents had the same idea for MLK day.  She did very well in the small toddler area, but she wanted to check out the huge playscape with the older kids.  About 3 minutes in she got knocked to the ground, then trampled... she was quite traumatized.  I tried to just let her navigate and be a tough kid, but as soon as she started wailing, I went into defensive Mommy mode and grabbed her out of there.  It's crazy how strong that instinct is - I wanted to push all the other kids out of my way to "rescue" her!  Thankfully I showed some restraint and did not punch the kid that trampled her, nor did I lecture him, but I it was really hard not to!

Giddy up!

Checking out her surroundings

The slide was definitely her favorite

We came home and relaxed afterward, it was a great lazy day off!


That foot is begging to be tickled 

As I mentioned, we are getting the extra bedroom ready for Maggie to move in soon.  Jamie spent the weekend painting some woodland animals on her walls:

What would he do without me?

This little guy is my favorite

Hopefully we'll the furniture set up this week, and then move her in soon after!

I forgot to write that I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago for another ultrasound, and the tech confirmed that our little girl will not have clubfoot.  Everything else looked great also!  I was getting a little worried because I've been a lot more uncomfortable with this pregnancy... the doctor just kind of chuckled at me and said that's what happens with the second one.  Looking forward to April!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

SUCH a girl

Our little Maggie is funny and adorable and absolutely loves doing girly things!  She loves playing dress-up and pretending to be a princess... though she has no interest in letting me make her hair look presentable...

I feel pretty

Excuse me, this fairy has some business
to attend to

Saturday we had a fun little date night as a family.  We had dinner at Red Robin and then went to see a show at Bishop Foley (a bunch of musical numbers).  The main reason we went was to see the Disney princesses for a meet-and-greet after the show.  Maggie did not know what to do with herself!  She just kept running back and forth in front of them, not sure which one to stop and talk to.  She got a lot of hugs and ruined a lot of photographs for other families...

A little pre-dinner art lesson

Stomp stomp stomp - where are the princesses?

Arella!! (Cinderella)

Pinch me, I'm dreaming!

Awkward posed photo

Ariel was one of her favorites (Momma was proud)

Maggie often walked away mid-sentence... so polite

Sunday we had dinner at my parents, and Maggie finally got to see her cousins for some post-Christmas fun.

I can shovel the food into your mouth if you want

Showing Daddy his new toy

Can't go wrong with tissue paper!

Stealing Luke's gift...

So happy to see my goddaughter back to normal!
Tickle fight!

Maggie has moved up to the toddler room at daycare.  They spend more time on colors, numbers and shapes and it's a little more structured environment.  She seemed happy when we dropped her off and happy when we picked her up, so I suppose the change wasn't too drastic for her.  She kept trying to sing a song with me during bath time, but I have no idea what it was - she keeps picking them up at daycare!  Something about her head, that's all I got.  Still, it's really cute to watch her sing with such passion.

A princess with poor vision....?

... or Elton John?

We were trying to get Maggie to wiggle her nose at dinner one night...

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Little Countess

Out of the blue last week, Maggie started counting up to thirteen.  I had heard her count to three before, but several times we'll start counting and she'll just lead the way!  Sometimes she forgets five or six, and really seems to love eight and twelve for some reason.

You have no idea what I have
stored in my noggin!

This past weekend we had two fun celebrations!  First my dear friend from college was in town to celebrate her recent marriage with her Michigan family!  I was so bummed that we couldn't make it to California for the actual wedding, so it was really great to see Bonde and her new hubby Matt (along with some other friends!)!  Also, the brunch was super tasty!  Maggie was all about the french toast.

Harma ladies and a couple harma babies! ...and Matt :)

 Afterward we drove north to celebrate Baby Will's dedication to the Christian faith.  Jamie and I were honored to be godparents along with his Aunt Robin and Uncle Tony.  It was a very nice service, again followed by some delicious food (can you tell I'm pregnant?)!

Proud godparents


Almost smiling for Aunty Amy

Here Daddy, let's break banana together

There was an awesome playroom adjacent to the dinner, so Maggie was in heaven!

We got a little bit of snow on Sunday, and Maggie was just thrilled.  So I dropped everything and we headed outside for a little bit.  I couldn't find her mittens anywhere, but I swear, we were only out there for 15 minutes!

What is this magic?

Maggie was concerned about the "mess" outside

Maggie had a great time in the snow, and she started singing something... let me know if you can figure this out, because I have no idea what she's going for:

Friday, January 2, 2015


A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!  We've been a bit busy having fun around here, and I figured it's time to finally try to compile all the photos we took these past couple weeks.  It is daunting.  I might quit early.


On December 23, Amy and Rex were able to finalize the adoption process for baby Will!  He is officially stuck with us!  The original plan for finalization was scheduled for a few months from now, so moving up the date was a very special Christmas present for all of us.  The whole family joined them at the courthouse to witness the very special event.  Maggie was not very cooperative, so we had to miss most off it so she could play with the water fountain in the hallway.  We all have our priorities.

Officially a family!


On Christmas Eve, we continued our tradition of heading to Frankenmuth to visit Santa, shop at Bronner's and eat a lot of food at the Bavarian Inn.  Maggie was rather frightened of Santa when we started decorating the house this year, but by Christmas Eve, she was ready to meet the big guy.  She was actually crying because she had to wait for the other kids in front of her.  I'm really trying to work on the concept of patience with her... still working on it.  She was thrilled to sit with Santa, though she didn't say a whole lot to him.

Why can't I see him now?!

Look at my pretty dress, Santa

He said I could have peas for
Christmas! Woo hoo!

The Donoghues

Christmas morning we woke up and went downstairs for presents and bread pudding!  Maggie had fun opening her presents, though her favorite seemed to be her new basketball hoop.  She also really loved the new bedding we got for her upcoming "big girl bed" and insisted on immediately testing it out on the floor.

All this frivolity has left me weary

Loves playing doctor with her dolls

Learning about colors

We went to church at 10am and Maggie was excited about her shiny black shoes and her special cross necklace from Amy (I only let her wear it for special days). She was not the picture of Christmas peace, so she and Daddy had some special bonding time in the back.

Afterward we went over to the Donoghues, changed into pajamas, and opened presents with the family.  Maggie was running a fever by the afternoon and was pretty tired out... understandably - it had been a few very busy days for my little one!  She took a nap with me upstairs, which might have been my favorite part of Christmas this year.  She's just so sweet when she's sleeping.  When she woke up, she quietly sat up and I could feel her just staring at me.   Seeing that she wasn't going back to bed, I opened my eyes to this adorable little girl grinning quietly from ear to ear, who started giggling.  It's just too cute.

I'm here!  Let's do presents!

Hanging with Grandma

We celebrated later in the week with my side of the family, and my sister Jody was in town with her family (though you wouldn't know it from my lack of pictures - sorry Jo!)!  Maggie loved playing with her cousins Izzy and Emily as she doesn't usually hang out with girls around her age.  She really missed her cousin Luke though (sorry, Claire, you just haven't made the list yet).  I'm pretty sure she thinks he lives with Grammer and Pops because she asks for him every time I tell her that's where we are going.

Izzy knows all about how to pose

Maybe a few years before you're ready for the
family Foosball Tournament, Maggie

Cracker, Pops?

Let's go!

Check out my new stool (not the poop kind)

About half the grandkids

Unfortunately the Rabine family was super sick throughout all of Christmas, and baby Claire even ended up in the hospital for a few days with RSV and pneumonia.  Thank God, they are all back home now, though still recovering.  I'm sure this is one Christmas they won't forget!

For Uncle Justin's birthday, we did a beer tasting party at our house for a bunch of his friends.  I think it was pretty successful, though the party tends to be a lot less interesting when you can't try all the beers!  I made a bunch of food, so that compensated somewhat!

Happy Birthday, Justin
(sorry for the bad photo)

We didn't do much for New Years' Eve, just had dinner with the Donoghues and then headed home.  Jamie was feeling pretty terrible, and we were both in bed early. 

Cousin love

Happy New Year!

We had more fun on New Years' Day - Maggie went to Grandma's for a sleepover with cousin Will so Jamie and I could have a nice date night.  We went out for a nice dinner and then rented "The Interview" in a moment of patriotic fervor (actually a rather funny movie).

We've had a lot of quality time together this week, and had some fun outside with Maggie.  We found a stray cat sitting on someone's porch during our walk, and Maggie really wanted to stop and chat for a while:


What's the password?

We have a few more days until we go back to work, and a whole list of goals still unfinished!  Jamie is currently working on painting Maggie's new room, and I am working on finishing some chocolate cake while Maggie naps.  It's a tough life.