Monday, December 22, 2014

Where did December go?

Why is December so crazy?!  We've been busy getting ready for the holidays and attending a bunch of events... just didn't have time to update last week!

I'm trying to remember what we did the past couple weeks, but it's really all a blur... I guess I'll let the pictures do the talking:

Maggie does a very good job hanging
new ornaments on the tree - very proud
of her for not destroying everything!

Hmm... maybe a few inches to the left

Saturday we went to Toys 'R Us to get a few Christmas presents.  It was not difficult to keep Maggie distracted while we looked around...

There are no words, Mama

We took Maggie for a little haircut last weekend.  She was a very good girl, much better than last time.  It doesn't look much different, but I think it looks a little cleaner than before.

Waiting is such a drag

We also ran around the house yelling...?

I see you!

A little cuddle time before work

Maggie went with Grandpa to see her first basketball game - Foley vs. Lakeview (Jamie's alma mater).  She seemed to like the game, probably because there's a lot more up-close action.  

Dangerously walking between the
students, getting some street cred

I think I like basketball!

So, come here often?

I put Maggie in one of her Christmas outfits for daycare... she was not in the mood for a photo shoot:

I will not spread Christmas

Leave me alone!

Last week at Jamie's school, the student council granted the wishes of several lucky students (for $5 or less).  One student wished that Mr. Donoghue would shave his beard like the gamekeeper in The Hunger Games.  I would like to thank that student for three days of this lovely face:

May the grades be ever in your favor!

A special happy birthday to Uncle Bobby today, who will thankfully always be older than I am!  We attempted to get Maggie to sing... 

Jamie made a cool little piece of art for my birthday (a little belated).  He took an old door that was in the basement when we moved in, mounted it on the wall and put photos of our family in it.  Me like!

Poor Maggie is sick again (like pretty much every other kid!).  Jamie took her to the doctor today and she was diagnosed with an eye infection and croup.  We've got some medicine and are hoping she'll be in good shape by Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Maggie Turns 2!

This week we celebrated Maggie's 2nd birthday!  Hard to believe we are here already!

Two suckers!  Does this mean
three suckers next year?

On her birthday, we decided to fix up a section of the basement as a little playroom for Maggie.  By "we decided," I mean Jamie had the idea to do all this, and I sort of rolled my eyes because I thought it wouldn't work out.  I went to bed early on Tuesday night, and when I awoke on Wednesday, Jamie had put cushy mats, a chalkboard, two activity tables, an easel, a swing, a mini-tent and lots of princess wall decals in her special area. I was pretty impressed!  So was Maggie!

I see you!
Look at all the princesses!!

Trying on her new princess outfit

We had a nice quiet birthday with Maggie on Wednesday, with some cake and a couple presents.  I don't think she comprehended that it was her birthday, but she enjoyed all the attention!

On Saturday we had both sides of the family over to celebrate.  Maggie was overwhelmed with presents!  The poor thing just wanted to play with her new things, but we kept making her open new presents.  She was pretty wiped out by the end of the night, but had a great time, especially with her cousin Luke.  She's normally all about holding the babies, but as soon as Luke is around, she can focus on nothing else!  She will literally do whatever Luke tells her to... so we have watch them a little carefully!

Here's the end of our birthday song... as a family, we really try to get as much dissonance as possible into the song:

Jamie's student is starting her own cake business, and created this awesome cake for Maggie!  It tasted delicious too!

Eat the princess!

Maggie has been playing with all her new toys nonstop!

Whipping up some dinner in her kitchen - her favorite things
to "make" are chicken and cake

Can I offer you some?

Putting multiple babies to sleep

ugh, the work never ends! Time to iron!

Enjoying her new sleeping bag - she
likes to snuggle in it for a few
minutes each day

I'm outta here!

Sunday we all slept in a little bit, and then went to church where Maggie was a very good girl.  She was very cuddly and quiet... so I assumed she was sick.  We were good most of the day, even went to the Ben's Encore chili cook-off (Jamie and his brother snagged second place with their uber-spicy lamb & bacon chili!).  However, after dinner we were all sitting on our new couch, and she hurled all over the place.  My poor baby was so confused, she didn't understand what happened!  We both worked a half day Monday so she could skip daycare and rest up.  She seems to be doing much better, just a little bit cranky (who isn't after all the partying and fun is over?).

Maggie is getting more and more phrases into her vocabulary.  Some of my favorite new phrases are "come on" and "just try it," which are so clearly imitations of us.  She also has started saying "ummm" when she doesn't know the answer to something, which is pretty cute.  Every morning when she wakes up she calls herself a princess.  I think I hear the word "princess" more than any other word lately!

If I stare hard enough, will
you turn into a sucker?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Maggie - 1, Potty - 0

Since we had a nice 4-day weekend, Jamie and I decided to attempt potty training using the 3-day potty training method.  It basically involves staying at home all weekend, having Maggie walk around in underwear, and sticking right by her side to catch any accidents and rush her to the bathroom.  I was geeked.  I was prepared with undies, Clorox wipes and M&Ms.  I was ready for all the nastiness she had to offer.

Trying a new fashion statement

Oh. My. Goodness.  These were the most exhausting and frustrating few days I've had since she was born!  We went from about 50 accidents the first day to 10 the last day, but Maggie still wasn't asking to go to the potty, or going voluntarily.  There was non-stop laundry most of the weekend and lots of middle-of-the-night sheet changes.  This weekend reinforced how much I love my dear husband who helped me through the lowest points and got over his abhorrence of touching anything related to human waste.  On the bright side, we spent three uninterrupted days together as a family and it was really great to have so much one-on-one time with Maggie!

We made cookies together to help pass the time this weekend.  Maggie really like decorating the cookies.  One sprinkle at a time.

Grandma watched Maggie today, and she did a little better, actually taking herself to the potty two times!  She tried to put her in a diaper for nap-time and Maggie would have none of that baby stuff!  So I guess we've made some progress, and she's on track, but it will be a while before we get there.

I would like to take a moment to thank my mother for potty training me.  I am so sorry for all the work I probably put you through!  Maggie, if you are a teenager reading this in the future, I want you to come and tell me how grateful you are for the ability to go to the bathroom by yourself (assuming you can).  And also bring me some chocolate.

That's enough of the potty training for now.  I don't want to talk about pee pee or poo poo outside of this house for a while or my head my explode!

In other, more appetizing news, Thanksgiving was delicious!  We went to Grammer and Pops' for brunch, which was really great and relaxing.  It was so nice to not rush between two places for dinner!  Afterward we went to cousin Betsy's for dinner with the Donoghue side.  Maggie had fun trying to keep up with the older kids (though they were usually way ahead of her).

I do not have time to pose, Momma

Claire having her own thanksgiving feast

Playing with Luke (sorry, lots of background noise):

Sorry for the lack of photos this week - we were a bit busy!  I'll get some more this week because Maggie is about to turn 2!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Time Out

Looks like I spoke too soon regarding Maggie's manners last week… her daycare teacher gently asked me if we use time-outs at home because Maggie is starting to get a little more sassy and headstrong.  She’s totally right, Maggie is very nice and sweet, but has trouble with authority.  Like many toddlers, she loves to tell us “no” just for the sake of it!

This is MY house!

Last night we instituted the “time-out” corner in our kitchen, just a little carpet square.  She gets one warning for bad behavior and then she’s in the corner.   We made it through most of the day and warnings seemed to do the trick.  Later in the day she was in time-out twice for not listening to us… oh my goodness, you would think someone told her that Elmo doesn’t love her – she was so incredibly upset and ashamed.  It was hard to not sweep her up and hug her, but we stayed firm.  After a few minutes we asked for an apology, cuddled for a minute and then moved on.   Hopefully these will help a little bit… I can say she was better behaved at dinner than usual, so that’s a good sign!

I'll be a good girl... for now!

Because we like to torture ourselves, we decided the whole family would go together for grocery shopping this weekend.  Maggie was pretty decent, but then we let her ride the Meijer pony… five. times.  Jamie was trying to kill time while I checked out, and people kept giving her pennies every time he hinted at being done!  She had a total meltdown when it was time to leave, but it was all smiles until then!

My little cowgirl

Last night after bath-time I put Maggie in a new pink nightgown for bedtime.  I don’t know why, but as soon as it was on she said, “I’m a princess!”  She was so thrilled with her special outfit (though she could care less when I put her in a real dress), and couldn’t wait to show Daddy.

Even princesses have to help
with the vacuuming

After work today we had Maggie’s well-check appointment and an ultrasound for her sister – busy busy!

I do declare, I feel
slightly underdressed

Maggie is 31.5 lbs and 34 inches tall (though we think she's taller, little wiggle worm wouldn't sit still).  She was pretty distraught anytime a nurse or doctor had to touch her, but all in all, it went pretty well.

After the pediatrician we rushed to my doctor to get the anatomy ultrasound for little sister.  The tech said that everything looked great, and she was 99% sure that this baby will not have club feet!  We're going to double check in January, but things looks great!  Our little girl is approximately 10 oz.

Hello, world!

Monday, November 17, 2014


We gave Maggie some difficult news today...

...she's taking it pretty hard.

I think most people who read this probably already know, but if you didn't, we're pregnant with a baby girl, due April 18th!  Maggie doesn't seem to understand the concept totally, but she knows something is going on.  The first trimester was much more difficult this time, but I think most of the nausea has finally passed!

Maggie will go through a lot of changes this year.  Our biggest goals are potty training (we haven't started yet) and switching to a big girl bed.  We're trying to spread everything out so that she doesn't feel overwhelmed.

Don't worry, I can do it!

I'm ready for big girl shoes!

I will teach my sister how to gracefully eat
a chocolate covered strawberry

...and how to escape from Momma
before bath time!

In other way less exciting news, I celebrated my 31st birthday this week.  A bunch of people from work took me out to lunch at the B-Spot, a new hamburger bar in Royal Oak (sooo delicious, with a pickle bar!).  My boss bought me a cake on the way back and we they all sang to me.  This was all very unexpected and very sweet!  My hubby also delivered flowers to me, which really brighten up the office space!  We had a delicious dinner and went to the IMAX while my parents watched Maggied for the evening.  All in all, a great day!

Spoiled engineer

Yesterday the Donoghues all came over for more birthday festivities!  Best part was probably seeing my little nephew Will - he is such a sweet little baby, I loved holding him!

Chillin' with Grandpa

Grandma with her grandbabies - life is good

A little snuggle time with Grandpa

My big helper with the candles

This week I raked the front yard leaves to the street for pick-up.  I thought Maggie would love playing the leaves, but when I got a nice big pile and showed her how to "jump" in it, she was very distressed.  She thought I was hurting myself and probably a big clutz (which is actually true...).  She did like to help me rake (with a broom), so thankfully she was very occupied while I did everything.

Once the pile was much smaller, she was
ready to frolick around

Outdoor selfie!

I'm tired of being cute.
Must rest.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Miss Manners

After several weeks of prompting Maggie when to say "please," "thank you," and "bless you," we finally are seeing some results!  She often says "thanks" when you give her something she wants (though not always).  We still have to remind her to say "please" when she wants something, but she certainly gets the concept.   I know Grandma has been a big help in teaching these manners.  We were complimented at daycare today - they said she is the only kid in the class that knows to use these words.

Maggie is also into hugging this week, which pretty much makes me the happiest mom ever.  She used to just stand there when we hugged her, but now she's reciprocating.  Maggie's hugs make everything better.

If you're lucky, I'll give you a kiss too

After-dinner goofy time

Can you guess what Maggie
is focusing on doing?

This is how princesses roll

Mooching off Momma's lunch

Apples and peanut butter, or in Maggie's case,
peanut butter with an apple spoon

Maggie likes to tote around my purse,
too heavy this time!

Hanging with cousin Will

I can't see a thing without my glasses!

Maggie had the hiccups one night, which made us giggle a little bit.  Seeing that she had an audience, she tried to repeat her silly noises... which ended up sounding like belching:

Magz loves to spin around until she's dizzy, and dance to the beat of her own drum (literally):

Our friend Brian is in the seminary downtown, and pictures of the seminarians are posted in our church.  When Maggie needs to exert a little energy during mass, Jamie takes her to look at the photos.  She always find Uncle Brian :)

There he is!