Monday, November 17, 2014


We gave Maggie some difficult news today...

...she's taking it pretty hard.

I think most people who read this probably already know, but if you didn't, we're pregnant with a baby girl, due April 18th!  Maggie doesn't seem to understand the concept totally, but she knows something is going on.  The first trimester was much more difficult this time, but I think most of the nausea has finally passed!

Maggie will go through a lot of changes this year.  Our biggest goals are potty training (we haven't started yet) and switching to a big girl bed.  We're trying to spread everything out so that she doesn't feel overwhelmed.

Don't worry, I can do it!

I'm ready for big girl shoes!

I will teach my sister how to gracefully eat
a chocolate covered strawberry

...and how to escape from Momma
before bath time!

In other way less exciting news, I celebrated my 31st birthday this week.  A bunch of people from work took me out to lunch at the B-Spot, a new hamburger bar in Royal Oak (sooo delicious, with a pickle bar!).  My boss bought me a cake on the way back and we they all sang to me.  This was all very unexpected and very sweet!  My hubby also delivered flowers to me, which really brighten up the office space!  We had a delicious dinner and went to the IMAX while my parents watched Maggied for the evening.  All in all, a great day!

Spoiled engineer

Yesterday the Donoghues all came over for more birthday festivities!  Best part was probably seeing my little nephew Will - he is such a sweet little baby, I loved holding him!

Chillin' with Grandpa

Grandma with her grandbabies - life is good

A little snuggle time with Grandpa

My big helper with the candles

This week I raked the front yard leaves to the street for pick-up.  I thought Maggie would love playing the leaves, but when I got a nice big pile and showed her how to "jump" in it, she was very distressed.  She thought I was hurting myself and probably a big clutz (which is actually true...).  She did like to help me rake (with a broom), so thankfully she was very occupied while I did everything.

Once the pile was much smaller, she was
ready to frolick around

Outdoor selfie!

I'm tired of being cute.
Must rest.

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