Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Birthdays and Easter

Our Evie girl turned 7 in April and had an epic extended birthday - a girls trip followed by Easter celebrations followed by a party at Grammer's followed by her actual birthday!  

I am 7!

Evie asked to do Frankenmuth again instead of having a party, so I picked her and her buddy up from school and surprised them with a fun night!

Lunch at Big Boy

Happy girl!

Still prefers the hot tub!

Ride or die

Putt putt held their attention for like 10 minutes

Tic-Tac-Toe showdown

A birthday to remember

We got home on Friday and quickly realized the boiling 3 dozen eggs for the Easter bunny would be pretty difficult in our laundry room "kitchen," so we headed to the Donoghue's to dye eggs!  Grandma to the rescue!

To dye for

Evie's all about quantity, Maggie is about perfection

On holy Saturday we went to Amy and Rex's to celebrate Easter with the Donoghue side of the family.  Lovely to see everyone!

Cousin cuddles

Maggie loves this little one

Aunt Jane got to meet baby Jane!

Grandma made a funny bunny birthday cake!


We had a lovely Easter with just our little family.  The Easter bunny found some clever hiding spots in the new house and we went to church afterward.

Typical picture of these three


The girls were psyched to get more slime - ugh

Checking her loot

Ben was excited to have some playdough

We did an impromptu dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's
to end the day

Grandma chalked some bunny ears for Ben

On the following Monday, we celebrated Easter at my Mom and Dad's because my brother John was in town for a couple days!  It was great to see him and our nieces and nephews!  Evie got even more birthday glory and cake!  I did a terrible job getting photos though...

Happy birthday, Evie!

So happy

Evie got to spend the night with me as requested for her birthday, and got donuts in bed for breakfast.  Jamie spent a few hours setting up her desk and lighted unicorn gifts while we slept - pretty similar to Maggie's birthday, but that's what she wanted!  She got to open some gifts before we hustled off to school.  Jamie took her to his drawing class that evening, and she got to do some cool projects along with his students.

Unhealthy start to the day

Jamie made a light-up unicorn cutout and painted some 
rainbows in her room!

She was so excited to have her own desk!

Arting with the adults - Jamie's students
brought her cake and treats!

Conquered her Lego gifts and has been playing with them ever since

Later in the week was Jamie's birthday!  He worked a half day, then spent the afternoon at the ballpark with his dad hoping to see Miggy make his 3,000th hit.  It didn't happen, but we were lucky enough to be there to see it the following Saturday with our kiddos instead!

Father and son

Not today...

Happy birthday, Daddy!

The twins got together later in the week to celebrate!

Taking the family to the Tigers game was so much fun!  We got to see history, spend some time together, ride the ferris wheel and enjoy some sunshine!

Ferris Wheel (Ben was worried at first)

Eat 'em up, Tigers!

It took us a minute to get over there, so it was 3,001 hits by then!

Sporting their cool new caps

Ben still loves Mickey!

Tough girls

What a cutie

This past weekend was Claire's first communion!  The girls had soccer and piano commitments, so Ben was my date to the festivities.

God bless Claire!

Grammer and Ben, playing games at brunch

Jamie organized a group of 16 to go to the DCFC game later that day.  Andy came in from New York because the we were playing the NY Red Bulls, but mostly for a fun guys weekend!


Good to see these two!

Jamie's teacher crew


The guys


Some others:

Evie's team!

Grabbing some ice cream at our old spot

Dental checkup!

There's a road job one block over - Ben is thrilled!