Friday, February 19, 2021

Happy Birthday, Ben Ben!

Our little boy is now 2 years old!  He is a bundle of joy, curiosity and fun and we all love him to pieces.  Ben had a great check up at the doctor, and is a healthy 30 lbs now.  He still likes to eat most foods, but I can see the pickiness starting to creep in.  He loves to eat a Hershey's chocolate after dinner each night, and will say "dessert" over and over again in a panicky voice... with his diction, it sounds a lot like "oh shit, oh shit!" and cracks us up!

Happy Birthday, Ben!

We started his birthday with blueberry muffins and a couple presents, then we all had to ship off to daycare/school/work for the day.  Afterward my parents came over and we had a yummy lasagna dinner.  Over the weekend the girls made him a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake using their cookbook... it wasn't the most gorgeous thing ever, but sure was tasty!

(not a creepy kid next to him, just his coat)

Ice Cream cake for the win!

A jolly good fellow!

The guy can make people smile

Grandma and Grandpa came over to celebrate a couple days later, so he got more presents and another cake!  He was so excited to see them!  They are almost two weeks past their 2nd vaccine dose, so hopefully we'll get to see more of them now!

Hanging with Grandpa

... and many more!

The kids were hyper, lots of running and screaming!

Here's our little chefs hard at work over the weekend:

Teaching them to not lick their fingers is the biggest challenge

Ben helped supervise

Jamie took the girls to Lakeview on his day
off to do some fun art projects
(dinosaur ramp of death?)

Maggie's interpretation of Iron Man and
Scarlet Witch

Valentine's Day was fun this year.  I made the kids pancakes for breakfast, and then set up a treasure hunt to find their little gifts.  We had a relaxing day hanging out at home, nothing too wild!

Eat your heart out

Trying to sample Daddy's coffee (which was empty)

Sharing the love

The girls had this entire week off school for winter break.  Thankfully Grammer was able to watch them for three of the days (including a sleepover!).  I worked from home with them one day, and took a break to work on another recipe - this time chocolate covered banana bites.  Not gonna lie, these were not great, but the girls liked them!

Chopping da bananas

Sprinkles, nuts and marshmallows!

A bunch of other randoms:

Big wheel from Grandma and Grandpa!  (Evie actually
uses this all the time)

Just the girls

Don't forget me!

Helping wash her hair...

Snow beds

Wishing Daddy would let him snow blow
(he'll get his chance)

This accurately depicts our kids' personalities

Cutest dinosaur you could ask for

Evie's favorite jam right now; love her little voice.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Mini Chefs and Catholic Schools Week

This past weekend, the girls and I worked on making spaghetti and meatballs from their cookbook!  Maggie did most of the meatball worked, and Evie worked diligently to chop up strawberries and pears for our fruit salad.  It can be a bit stressful with them both asking questions at the same time and using dangerous kitchen things... but the end result is so satisfying and I love how proud they are!

That's a good-a meat-a-ball

Hanging with Daddy while they simmer

Evie's first time chopping without me over her shoulder - she
did great!

This week was Catholic Schools Week, so the kids had a fun thing each day... I missed getting photos most of the time, but here's a few!
On colors day Maggie's class wore green
and Evie's clss wore red

Wednesday was sweet day... can't really tell 
here, but they have suckers stuck in their ponytails

We've determined that photography while
sitting at a red light does not give good results

Pajama day is the best day!

Had to wear uniforms on Friday for
church... but they get donuts after!

Ben is very affectionate... when he wants to be

Some others:

We do have a TV... but sometimes they all like to huddle
around the ipad

My sweetheart giving me smooches

Jamie went to the bathroom and walked back
in the kitchen to find this.  I see the ER in our future.

Fruit does a body good!

Thought our garage was haunted.
Turns out the girls just like to collect things
and store them really creepily.

This teacher got his first vaccine!

Ben likes to start his morning with some calisthenics and nuzzles before getting dressed: