Tuesday, June 22, 2021

New Home!

It's happening, people!  We will be moving to our new home the first week of August!  We are all excited, and also a little heartbroken to be leaving the house we love so much.  We'll use these next few weeks to organize, hire contractors and pack... challenge accepted.

Our first home (sniffle)

The future awaits...

Father's Day was another fun one this year.  We tried to let Jamie relax on Saturday, but he ended up having to go to camp all day and came home exhausted!  On Sunday we brought him breakfast in bed and then went to my parents' for lunch and the Donoghues for dinner - busy day!
When will I learn to get family shots first thing in the
morning? These kids will not cooperate!

Pops took all the grandkids for a quick motorcycle ride, and they were in heaven!  Maggie wants Pops to drive her around all the time now.  Evie was definitely scared, but was ok with a slow ride around the neighborhood, and I could tell she was pretty proud of herself afterward.  

Biker chick

Let's do this!

Maggie and Luke really like doing "clown" makeup

Ben walked around the house all morning with Grammer's gun,
no one is messing with him

A bite for me, a bite for you...

Evie graduated from kindergarten earlier this month!  They sang us a couple songs and got their diplomas.  As usual Evie was bashful and did not like all the attention, but she did very well!  She's grown up a lot this year, and has become an obsessive creator/builder.  She loves cutting and taping construction paper into whatever her mind can think of, and it's usually epic!

Kindergarten graduate!

Last day of 2nd grade and kindergarten!  Woo hoo!

Hard to see her between the cap and mask!

Getting her diploma from Mrs. Handley

Gotta pose with her best friend

Maggie's team had an end-of-season picnic with water balloons and silly string - their coach is so much fun, and they had a blast!  Evie got to join in on the fun too!

Team medal ceremony

No chairs, no cares

Goofing with my Evie girl

Evie got a fancy medal too after her last game!

We enjoyed a socially distanced Tigers game... which was super awesome with three kids!  It was easy to walk around and spread out around our seats!  Jolly Pumpkin pizza afterward for the win!

Our seats were in sets of 2, two rows apart, but it was actually
pretty fun that way

Peanuts, get your peanuts!

Buddies forever

I love this little boy

We had a really fun zoo outing with our friend Julie and her 3 kids, who are almost identical in age and gender to our kids.  We haven't seen each other in like a year and a half, but they all picked right back up!

Didn't miss a beat

We got conned into a merry-go-round trip...
like a bunch of amateurs!

Our little boys were not happy about the ride

But Evie was!

Sharing snacks...

It's been a few weeks, so here's a bunch of other randoms:

We conquered an escape room with some of Jamie's
old co-worker buddies!

Working on chocolate covered strawberries for their grandpas...
even Ben helped!

Visiting our ice cream place while we're still nearby!

Sun protected bros

Went to an epic end-of-school party with a serious karaoke setup!

Swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's -
they watched the girls a lot while Jamie finished the school year!

These two love playing together

Grammer also helped watch our girls A LOT! I feel like
this photo perfectly captures their personalities

They created a fort one night and then fell asleep
spooning... it was very sweet (and sweaty)

Hanging with Grandpa

Proud of her tower building skills

Put on clothes, must I