Saturday, March 30, 2019

Casting Call

Maggie's tendon transfer surgery is coming up at the end of April, and she will have four different casts on her left foot to help rotate it slowly.  She had her first cast installed on Thursday, and so far it is going pretty well.  She has a little boot so that she can walk around without getting it dirty.


Pretty sure Jamie wasn't supposed to take this photo

Pink fabulousness

Aunt Amy brought Will and Violet over for a little visit last week.  Violet is a little peanut and Ben is... not.  So we took a photo side by side to compare 8-month Violet and almost 2-month Ben. 


Bros gotta stick together 

Jamie took Evie and Ben to the zoo one afternoon while Maggie and I had a little date.  


Where's Evie?

Jamie has been working Sundays with his students to get their video production films completed.  The girls keep him company.

Watching Ninja Turtles on the giant projector screen

Rainbow rocket

Evie being Evie

Not much else to report around here.  Jamie is exhausted trying to balance the million extra tasks at work while still being an amazing dad... spring break needs to get here quick!  I'm settling into a good routine with Ben, and we usually get out of the house each day for an errand or something.  

I'm cute

Supporting his undefeated team

Can't go to the library without visiting the bees

Cast doesn't slow her down

Three's company

One of Ben's fave places to chill

One of Jamie's fave places to chill...
A little lullaby to put you to sleep:

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Irish I was in Ireland

Happy belated St. Patty's Day! 

Our Irish girls

Jamie celebrated by taking the girls to the Pistons game thanks to our friend Mike.  They had a fun time!

First Pistons game ever!

Lego magic

If there's a horse, Maggie's there

Hanging with Daddy

Ben is doing great!  We had a little flu scare last week.  I took him to the pediatrician to get tested since Maggie had it, and he tested positive.  We were really worried, but I'm really not sure he had it anyway.  He never had a fever, and was just a bit more fussy than usual.  Anyways, that's out of the house now and we're back to normal!

I love baths

Trying to stay calm


Best new development has been his smiles.  He has the power to melt us.

Loves his Daddy

Joyful times

Wait til I have teeth, ladies

Ben has also started "talking" a bit more:

Here's some others:
Practicing dice rolling at school... we start gambling young

Maggie the mini-mama in our special rocking chair

Best way to eat watermelon

Cuddles with Grammer

Maggie and me on her school fieldtrip

Evie always knows exactly what she wants to wear

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Month #1

We made it to one month!  Ben is doing great, eating about every three hours like clockwork.  He's become a bit more fussy, but usually only for one or two periods each day.  He's got a strong neck, coos a little bit, and even gave me his first smile a couple days ago! 

Woo hoo, I'm one month old!

Maggie at 1 month (she is currently 75 months)
Evie at 1 month (about 47 months now)

Maggie had to miss the daddy-daughter dance this year since it was the weekend Ben was born.  Jamie took her on a make-up date to dinner and to see 42nd Street at Foley.  She had a great time, and they didn't get home until 11pm!  The next day she came down with the flu.  Doh.

Excited for her special night out

Milkshake and fries... he knows how to impress her

I took Evie to an indoor playground on Sunday so she could have a fun day out (and also to keep her away from Maggie's germs).  She did great playing on her own, and even made a friend by the end.

Happy go lucky

Life has been a blur otherwise.  Jamie and I get about 5-6 hours of sleep each night, which is not so bad... but sometimes it catches up with us.  My days at home are long, but the weeks seem to fly by.  Jamie has been an amazing husband, these kids are so lucky to have him for a dad.

Looks so peaceful... I want to go to there

Check out this adorable quilt from Mrs. Sandoval - skills!

Maggie asked for green eggs and ham on Dr. Suess' birthday...
it looked disgusting, but both girls gobbled it up.  Evie is now asking
for pink eggs with strawberries (gag)

Neck interval training

A case of the Mondays

Both girls think the paci solves all problems
for Ben... if only!

Hanging with Dad

The offspring

My mermaids 

How'd you get up there?


This made Evie giggle
