Monday, April 13, 2015


39 weeks+.  So ready to meet our little girl already!  I think we are getting very close since I was hit hard by stomach flu symptoms today.  At the risk of grossing you out, my online searches have revealed that the body often likes to "make space" right before labor. Thank you, Nature.  I now have zero energy and the just the thought of pushing a baby out makes me tired.  Hoping I feel much better tomorrow.  On a positive note, I took the day off work and got a lot of extra sleep in our quiet house.

It's okay, Momma, we're here for you

On to better things...

Maggie had a fun week at home with her Daddy.  They went out and did fun activities everyday.

My favorite date

They attempted to go to the Belle Isle Aquarium with Grandpa on Friday, but unfortunately it was closed (sea life is Maggie and Grandpa's special thing).  They went over the conservatory and Grandpa showed all the different plants to Maggie.

Smells like spring!

We attempted to go to a Tigers game last Thursday, but it ended up being delayed almost 4 hours (once again, thank you, Nature).  So we hung out with Maggie, ate some Bucharest in the parking lot and eventually went into the stadium to walk around.  We had skipped Maggie's nap, and the tantrums and tears were abundant!  Jamie drove us home and then went back downtown with his buddy.

Here's Maggie playing catch with cousin Ryan before we left for the game:

Hanging with crazy Uncle Alain in the car

I'm ready to go!

Jamie has finally started his new passion of beer brewing.  He ordered a bunch of equipment, so we had a nice big box for playing.  It is now Maggie's new home (but we let her sleep in her bed when she's a good girl ;)

Welcome to my humble abode

Yeah, I'm thinking of doing some remodeling
Really love the original cardboard
floors and walls though

This change to warmer weather has been awesome!  We went to the park on Saturday and Maggie had a fantastic time.  There was a family of older kids, and the two girls let Maggie follow them around and helped her climb things.  It was so wonderful to see Maggie "make friends" but also kind of sad... she doesn't need us as much anymore!

Isn't this weather simply marvelous?!

Can't catch me

Maggie and I spent about an hour blowing bubbles yesterday.  She's so focused on her task, it's a lot of fun to goof around with her.

You, Mr. Popcorn, look delectable.
Say goodbye to everyone!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

 Easter has come and gone… and I’m still preggers.  Looks like my prediction was wrong!

Just us girls for now!

Thursday we had our friends Julie and Ryan over for a quick dinner and decorating Easter eggs.  Maggie loved seeing the girls!

Am I gonna make it, doctor?

The artistic ladies

Another baby to play with!

We had a fantastic weekend as a family!  Saturday was one of those magical days where everything is just great!  We took Maggie to an egg “hunt” at our local park.  The weather was great, and as you can see, it was not very difficult to get eggs… this was perfect – all the kids got plenty of eggs and there was no violence!  Maggie was still scared of the Easter Bunny, so no pictures this year!  We also played on the playground and got nice and dirty.

Can you find any eggs?

My bounty


Afterwards we had a delicious brunch at What Crepe (so happy this restaurant is open again!) and then did a little strolling around the city.  Maggie slept for a good 3 hours in the afternoon, and Mommy got lots of rest too!

Maggie ate approximately 1% of her food

Sunday we went to church, and Maggie was thankfully a very good girl in a rather crowded area.  We had a little egg hunt around the house afterward, and Maggie found her Easter basket. 

Obligatory dress photo

More candy!

Loves to "feed the fox" with money

Playing with her new zoo animals

Grandma and Grandpa had the family over for dinner, and as usual, Maggie couldn’t get enough of baby Will.  She currently refers to all the baby items in our house as being his.


Our little family of four

Grandma and Grandpa!

Just taking a stroll

Bustin' out the casual clothes at the
end of the day

Jamie has the week off work, so he brought Maggie to visit me at work today.  On their way to the car, Maggie tripped on the concrete and scraped up her face a little bit.  She was so upset!  It took a couple minutes of hugging and soothing, but we were able to calm her down.  Jamie told me she kept saying “I miss Momma” when they got home – heart strings!  Well, by the time I got home, her face was a hot mess... we avoided mentioning it, and she didn't seem too bothered.  Yikes, I hate seeing my baby all scratched up!

You should see the other guy

Playing with baby Hazel after watching
some baseball - Go Tigers!

Channeling Stevie Wonder:

Maggie has learned our first names...