Saturday, March 9, 2013


Maggie had her 3 month checkup this week.  She weighs 12 lb 11 oz and is 24.75 inches.  She's in the 50th percentile for weight and head circumference, and 95th percentile for height...  I'm concerned that she will grow to be super tall and that Tyra Banks will come across her in a mall one day and put her on terrible reality show.  Please, if you care about Maggie at all, keep your eyes out for Tyra!

This is my catalog look
This is my fierce, Zoolander face
Maggie should be pushing herself up now, but she isn't quite there yet.  It's probably our fault because we don't do "tummy time" very often.  We're doing it every day now, and she already seems to be getting more upper body strength.  She usually hates it, but we had one rare happy moment:

Maggie has abs of steel from lifting that brace all the time!  When we lie her down, she can sit up about 45 degrees to protest and then gently lower herself down.

Just hanging in my Pack 'N Play
My favorite part of the day is getting Maggie from her crib.  She'll usually hang out for a while with a few shouts to let us know she's awake.  I love unwrapping her from the swaddler, she goes into stretch mode.

Here's some more photos:

Grandma and I are in tune - we both wore black and red on the same day!

Brunch with Becks!

Making plans to take over the world!

Ok I'm tired, time for you to go read some other blog


1 comment:

  1. I love her taking over the world look. Priceless.

    She may not like push ups, but she likes rolling over!!!
