Saturday, November 30, 2013


This week has been AWESOME!  Four-day weekend, Christmas decorations, turkey dinner, family, and lots of time with Maggie!


We put up our Christmas decorations on Thursday, both indoor and outdoor.  My dear husband just needed to "run out to Home Depot to get some stuff for work..."  and now I have two Christmas dinosaurs on my lawn.  Sigh.  It doesn't even make sense, dinosaurs weren't around for Jesus' birth!  Oh well, pick your battles, right?

We setup the Christmas tree in our front room, and everyday we walk by the tree with Maggie and pretend we hurt our fingers touching it.  I don't want to jinx anything, but so far she has stayed away from the tree without being told.

Thanksgiving was super yummy at Aunt Jane's house.  There were 5 kids running all over the place and Maggie was a total trooper about everything.  She enjoyed watching all the action.  I've noticed she doesn't get very shy around new people, but she definitely keeps very quiet.  I think the only sounds she made all evening were when she was upset and when Grandma and Grandpa entered the room!  We kept her up past her bedtime, so the poor thing passed out on the way home.  I love carrying her to bed when she's sound asleep on my shoulder.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Investigating cousin Mike and Ethan

We had some of the cousins on Jamie's side of the family over on Friday evening for some beer tasting.  We tried a lot of great stuff, and had a lot of fun catching up and playing games.  Good 'ol Maggie stayed asleep the entire time!

Operation Milk is going well, we are almost ready for full bottles of milk (we're doing mostly milk with a little bit of formula right now).  Now that she has a lot less formula, we need to work on eating larger amounts of fruits, veggies and protein.  She's doing well, but it's taking waaaay longer to eat meals now because she takes so long to chew.  She has also begun throwing her food on the floor when she's ready to be finished, and you can tell that she's totally trying to get a reaction.  My patience is growing everyday with this little one...

Maggie had to go back for yet ANOTHER hair cut this weekend.  I decided to keep the bangs until she's a little older.

Such a big girl!

I usually do housecleaning chores on Saturday morning and attempt to keep Maggie happy while doing so... it's tricky, but I can usually change up the toys or do stupid dances while I clean to keep her occupied.  Out of the blue this week, she started "washing" the floors using bibs, burp cloths, napkins, and today she started washing the cabinets and walls... I've created a monster!  She's so proud of herself when she does it, very sweet.

Maggie lover her "Little People" 

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