Sunday, March 30, 2014

Will the real Maggie D please stand up?

This week Maggie started standing for about 5-10 seconds at a time.  She can get on her own two feet without us (or nearby furniture) helping her get up!

Maggie also continues to eat more independently.  She usually won't allow us to spoon-feed her anything unless she is also feeding herself.  She is pretty darn good with a spork and has been successfully stabbing noodles, green beans, and oddly enough, cheerios with her utensil.  If she ever turns into a super-hero, she will probably wield a spork.

She also likes to feed her doll Sophia:

Gather 'round dollies, I'll tell you a story

Maggie and I went to the Home and Garden Show in Novi with Grammer and Pops on Saturday.  Maggie really liked putting her hands in the fountains and playing with our used coffee cups.  She also screamed "baby!" every time a little kid popped into sight.  It was a little frustrating at times because she didn't really want to be in the stroller or be held, but letting her hold my hand to walk seemed to be annoying the people around us.  I'll be excited when she can maneuver on her own ('til she runs away)!  We had a fun outing, and she napped hard afterward!

Reading with Grammer at lunch

Maggie wouldn't stop jabbering in church today, so she spent a lot of mass in the gathering area with Daddy.  She learned how to say "Jesus" (wish sounds a lot like her pronunciation of "fish"), and likes to high-five the Jesus statue.  I told Jamie this seemed a little inappropriate, but he asked our priest after mass who said that Jesus loves high-fives...

Time to go!

I take requests

Here's Maggie attempting to do Itsy-Bitsy-Spider before bedtime... she's a little out of it:

Jamie is helping coordinate Bishop Foley's Spoof Spectacular film fest this week.  If you want to see some funny spoofs and eat yummy popcorn, come to the Main Art Theater in Royal Oak Thursday at 7pm!  I've really enjoyed the students' movies over the past couple years, it's a fun night out.  As one of the teacher films, Jamie is spoofing Die Hard and stars as John McClain.  I believe it is entitled, "Just Die Harder Already."

Grandma watched Maggie today so we could go out to lunch with a few friends.  It was really nice to actually taste the food and have fully focused conversations!  Thanks, Mom!

Eating blueberries with Grandma

Well since Sunday is the "day of rest," it's time for me to get the "rest" of the housework done for the weekend.  Have a good week!  Go Tigers!

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