Monday, November 10, 2014

Miss Manners

After several weeks of prompting Maggie when to say "please," "thank you," and "bless you," we finally are seeing some results!  She often says "thanks" when you give her something she wants (though not always).  We still have to remind her to say "please" when she wants something, but she certainly gets the concept.   I know Grandma has been a big help in teaching these manners.  We were complimented at daycare today - they said she is the only kid in the class that knows to use these words.

Maggie is also into hugging this week, which pretty much makes me the happiest mom ever.  She used to just stand there when we hugged her, but now she's reciprocating.  Maggie's hugs make everything better.

If you're lucky, I'll give you a kiss too

After-dinner goofy time

Can you guess what Maggie
is focusing on doing?

This is how princesses roll

Mooching off Momma's lunch

Apples and peanut butter, or in Maggie's case,
peanut butter with an apple spoon

Maggie likes to tote around my purse,
too heavy this time!

Hanging with cousin Will

I can't see a thing without my glasses!

Maggie had the hiccups one night, which made us giggle a little bit.  Seeing that she had an audience, she tried to repeat her silly noises... which ended up sounding like belching:

Magz loves to spin around until she's dizzy, and dance to the beat of her own drum (literally):

Our friend Brian is in the seminary downtown, and pictures of the seminarians are posted in our church.  When Maggie needs to exert a little energy during mass, Jamie takes her to look at the photos.  She always find Uncle Brian :)

There he is!

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