Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween and stuff

Jamie had a pretty busy week with his school's film festival and the Bennyfit this weekend, but we managed to cram in some halloween fun too. 

Carving their first pumpkin together

Maggie's work of art (with a little
help from Daddy)

Friday I took Maggie to daycare bright and early, where they had a little halloween parade and fun activities.  Maggie normally is a bit grouchy on daycare days because she has to wake up about 20 minutes earlier than normal, and I'm usually trying to rush through everything (she's more of a smell-the-roses type).  So when I asked her to put her costume on with ears, I hit her breaking point.

Why are you doing this to me!?
It is too early for these shenanigans!

She was happy by the time we got to daycare, and liked showing off her costume to Miss Patty.  Maggie got some fun halloween cards, which she insisted on opening in the middle of dinner:

The Polons send their regards, Momma

Halloween evening was so cold and crummy, that we took Maggie to four of our neighbors, and then went home.  She wasn't super excited about it, and her little nose was so red from the cold!  Her prized possessions of the night were her bubble wand from Aunt Amy and a tootsie pop!  She also helped me pass out candy to some of the kids before bedtime.

Our friends Andy and Katie also flew in on Friday for the Bennyfit and stayed with us throughout the weekend.  Maggie warmed up to Katie, but wasn't a big fan of the boys.  On Saturday all the guys in Jamie's band came over to practice for the show.  Maggie and I avoided all the noise and met up with Grammer at Great Lakes Crossing for some shopping and playscape fun.  Maggie had a lot of fun running around, and had a blast on the merry-go-round.  By the time we got home, it was well past nap-time, and Maggie slept hard (so did Momma)!

Maggie had a sleepover at Grandma's house Saturday night so we could hang out at the show and stay out late (thanks!).  Karenin's Smile (Jamie's band) sounded great!

Alain felt the need to copy my style

The boys of KS (you can kind of see
Jamie in blue in the back)

So many guitars

We got a really fun surprise this week - my girlfriend Therese from college knitted some spectacular hats for Maggie.  I have no idea how to do anything this crafty, but I like to surround myself with people that do (just kidding).  Thanks Thersy!

Jolly good!

Does this make me look as cute as I think?

I really like to take walks with Maggie when I get home from work.  We usually only stroll for about 15 minutes, but it's just nice to have some one-on-one time with my girl.

Tonight we took a stroll to Jimi's before the ice cream shop closes for the winter.  Maggie had fun playing in the phone booth.

So this is where Superman
got started, eh?

Pockets are great

I see you!

One of our favorite games is to play wake-up!

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