Friday, May 1, 2015

Welcome, Evelyn Rose!

On Sunday April 19, 2015, we welcomed the newest member of our family - Miss Evelyn Rose (Evie) at 3:22 PM.  She was 8 lb, 6 oz and 21 inches long.  She is such a beautiful and sweet little baby, and we've completely fallen in love with her.  She loves being cuddled and patted, and is generally very peaceful unless she's hungry or gassy.  We are so blessed!

Evelyn Rose

Our newest little princess

First cuddle

Happy parents!

Thrilled big sister

Our big family!

Being this cute is exhausting!

She came out hungry

...and also flashing gang symbols,
which is a bit perplexing

Where are my clothes?!  This is my worst nightmare!

Ah, that's better

My little sweetheart

I started having contractions around 2:30am Sunday, and by 6:00am, they were about 6 minutes apart.  We were all ready to go, just waiting for the 5-minute rule to kick-in before calling the doctor... so I decided to lie down for a while... which unfortunately caused the contractions to space back out - bummer!  

Grandma came over to watch Maggie for the day, and we snuggled a little before leaving:

Ready for another partner in crime!

Jamie and I spent the rest of the morning strolling around Target, driving on Royal Oak's bumpy roads, walking in our neighborhood, walking in other dream neighborhoods... just trying to move things along!  My contractions never got consistently closer than 7 minutes, but they were really getting to be painful, so Jamie convinced me to call the doctor.  Thankfully she advised us to go the hospital around 1:30pm.  We walked to triage (that was a long painful walk!), I got examined, admitted, epidural-ed, and pushed this little girl out all within less than two hours!  It was a very good experience, Jamie was an awesome coach helping me through all the hard work.  He even asked the nurse to stop cheerleading me because he knows it annoys me to the extreme.

I think Evie looks a lot like Maggie did as a baby, but maybe a little more like me this time.  Her hair a little bit lighter, and her face is just a little different.  I love her smell and little noises.  I also love the word "little."

Very stern expression - maybe
she'll be a teacher?

Maggie adores her little sister, and wants to hold her ALL the time.  She loves to help with diaper changes and bath time, and likes to comfort her when she's crying.  There have been more tantrums and meltdowns these past couple weeks, but I think she is adjusting very well to all the changes.

This expression basically sums up how
Maggie feels about having a sister

Proud sister

There will be a lot of photos like this... this one...
...and this one

Aside from sleep deprivation, Jamie and I are doing really well!  The change from one kid to two was way easier than zero to one.  Maggie also had the club foot casts and a hospital stay for jaundice, so Evie is a piece of cake compared to all that!

It's been a while since I updated, so there's a bunch of random photos mixed in here, and I'm too tired to make a logical order... also, I did a really bad job of remembering to take photos when people visited (sleep loss makes me less of a psycho documenter)...

Maggie's house

Jamie's students painted a mural at the animal
shelter for "Be the Difference Day"

Meeting Grandpa

Oh really?

First car ride!

First bath at home!

First sour ball!  (just kidding)

Hanging with Momma in the hospital

First time holding Evie

Making cookies at Grandma's

Sooo ready for summer

Hi, neighbor!

Her reward for good behavior while grocery shopping

Couldn't decide between milk or water

I love a good beat as much as the next guy,
but this is mildly inappropriate, Maggie!

My daughter is akin to a graceful gazelle, gently gliding across the field:

Playing on the seesaw 


Grammer and Pops surprised us on Wednesday by stopping at our house on the way home from Florida!  They finally got to meet their tenth grand-baby!

Proud grandparents

Love this photo

That's it for now - hopefully my blog will improve in quality as I get more sleep (because I will be getting more sleep eventually, right?!).


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