Friday, October 28, 2016

H is for Hectic

It’s been a hectic week in the Donoghue house!  I think we had dinner as a family one night out of five, and that is just sad!

Waffles-on-the-stairs kind of morning

Jamie had his annual horror film festival at the Main Art Theater, and his students did a great job!  Every year the quality of work gets better, and I can tell that the students really enjoy it.  He actually had to rent a larger theater because so many people bought tickets!  Proud of my hubby!

Kind of a big deal

Film class

Jamie’s parents stayed with the girls so that I could go see all the movies, and the girls were really excited to see them!  Evie was over-the-moon to see Grandma, and wouldn’t leave her side!  Grandma’s arm is starting to heal, but I have to keep reminding the girls to be extra gentle around her.

I’m working some flex-time at work so that I can stay home on Thursdays for a little while.  I took the girls to the cider mill with one of my co-workers in the morning… it was a pretty terrible idea since it was cold, rainy, and everything was wet.  The petting zoo was pretty awesome though!

Those are some ominous looking skies...

Nothing says fall like.. winter coats?

Baby chicks - Evie totally flipped out for these cuties

Evie had no fear of the animals, happily petting them and
getting licked... Maggie was pretty happy to watch from
a distance.

Maggie bumped her finger while running around earlier in the week, and it was swollen and a little bruised.  It just seemed jammed, but after two days it was looking worse to me.  I took her to the pediatrician, who sent us to the hospital to get xrays, and Maggie ended up having a fracture.  Today Jamie took Maggie to get checked out by a hand specialist.  The doctor gave her three HUGE shots that set her into a complete panic.  After the numbing, he did some sort of voodoo finger manipulation to straighten it out.  She’s was a total trooper, but was pretty freaked out.  We’ll go back in two weeks to make sure everything looks okay.

Doctor visit #1

Her middle-left finger... she has given me "the finger"
many times this week trying to show me her boo boo

Waiting for x-rays

"Take a picture of me relaxing, Mama"

Tough girls get to have pancakes with Daddy for lunch

Evie likes to fly down the stairs now (as long as it’s her idea):

Maggie had her last soccer practice last weekend.  She still doesn’t seem very interested in the sport, and asked about three times if it was over yet… so maybe soccer isn’t her thing!  This video displays her level of motivation:

Side note - she actually got really involved once we took her hat and mittens off, even had a couple break-aways!

Still Evie's favorite seat in the house

Christmas card material

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