Sunday, January 20, 2013

Surgery Success

I'm a little late in posting this... turns out it's hard to find free time when you have a kid, who knew?

Anyway, Maggie had her tenotomy surgery this past Tuesday, and it was a piece of cake!  We got to the hospital at 7am, did some pre-op screening stuff, and then she went in at 8:30 as scheduled.  We had only been in the waiting area for 20 or 30 minutes before they told us to head back because she was finished!

Pre-Op:  Jamie thought this Jail photo would be funny

Changed into her surgery gown, in high spirits
She was very upset afterward because it had been about 6 hours since her last feeding.  She chugged her bottle, and therefore half of it came right back up during burp time.  It took a little while to calm her down after that, but she was just fine once she settled back to sleep.  She didn't seem to have any pain during this week, so I guess it wasn't a big deal!

Finally calmed down
We've had to give Maggie sponge baths since birth because of her casts and her umbilical cord.  This week we gave her a "real" bath before her surgery when her casts came off.  Grammer did all the work because I didn't really know what I was doing.  She was freaked at first, but enjoyed it by the end.

What is this!?!?  Make it stop!
Ok, maybe this isn't so bad
Maggie is definitely more fussy this week, usually after eating.  Our pediatrician warned us that weeks 6-8 is usually where babies peak in fussiness (is that a word?).  She seems to want more to eat each time, so I think we'll up her volume from now on.  She drinks her bottles way too fast, so I think we're going to invest in some slow-flow bottle nipples for her.  Hopefully this helps with the angry cries after eating!

Her hair is getting thicker and longer.  I hope I don't have to give her a haircut anytime soon, it's too soon!

I have no doubt that her smiles are now genuine.  We get them most of the time after she eats - who isn't happy after a good meal?!  She looks right into your eyes and it melts my heart.  She has Jamie's little dimples and they are super cute!

Not much else on the horizon until these casts come off.  She gets her braces on February 4, and I'm heading back to work on February 7.  I think I'll be mentally prepared by then (I hope)!

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