Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sick again...

Poor Maggie is sick again, this time with croup.  She looks so exhausted, and can hardly get any noise out.  We're having a hard time getting her to drink fluids - I think her throat hurts and it's hard to breathe while she drinks.  She doesn't seem too bothered during the day, she's just her happy-go-lucky self with a little extra cuddling.  She's much more restless at night... it's scary because it's much harder to hear her little whimper cries.  Uggh this stinks, I just want her to feel better!

Well, Maggie's birthday is right around the corner, which means it's almost time to stop using formula!  Unfortunately, she has very little interest in sippy cups.  She'll take a sip or two and then it just becomes a toy...  so we need to work on that over the next few weeks.

I only took a few photos this week, nothing too interesting around here!

Early birthday gift from Grandma!

I've had better days, Mommy

Here's Maggie crawling with her braces, she's totally mastered it!


  1. We have been struggling with using a cup also. I'm still nursing cause I refuse to have Brady start using bottles just so we can give him milk. I must have 10 cups in the cupboard. BUT I just found one that he seems to do ok with.

    The past two nights he has drank 6oz of B-milk out of it. Once he starts getting better I will start switching to cows milk.

  2. Thanks, I'll keep my eyes open for one!
