Sunday, March 9, 2014


This was a big week for Maggie.  I'm not sure what happened, but she is all of sudden saying a new word every day or two and wants to walk around all the time (except we have hold her hands).  Her diction isn't great, but she actually knows what she's saying!  She also really loves making us laugh, and is a non-stop tickle monster (watch your back or she'll catch you unawares).

This is me trying to get her to talk for you:

We finally have some molars popping through, one on each side!  I am really hoping this means that the nighttime wake-up calls will be less frequent... of course there's still a bunch of other teeth that need to make their debut... sigh.

Give me a steak!

We had a really hectic weekend, but got to do lots of fun things!  Friday we went to the Hamtramck Music Fest to see Josh Wolak's band, all the way from Nashville.  They were incredible!  We got to see a lot of friends, it was nice.

Humming House performance

Saturday Maggie and I went to Ashley and Mike's baby shower.  It was fun to have her, but she would. not. sit. still.  I looked like a hobo eating my sandwich on the ground so I could keep an eye on her!  There were lots of other little girls there, so Maggie was in her glory!  One of the girls had a little baby doll that is a little more robust than "Baby."  Mags pretty much threw her doll away and stole the new one away whenever it was not being used.  We need to work on her loyalty...

Caught red-handed

Girl fun

We went out to dinner with Rob and Christy and a bunch of other friends afterward, and then hustled over to Bishop Foley to see their production of Anything Goes.  Jamie's sets were seriously awesome, very proud of my husband, and very very relieved that set design is finished for the year!

This daylight savings thing is not cool.  Not only did we lose an hour of sleep, but tonight Maggie is acting like she's in the twilight zone.  I don't know if it's too bright outside or something else, but she's acting like a crazy person and will not go to bed!  Two hours in and she is inconsolable...

Snuggling in bed
Playing some Call of Duty before church

Still trying to grow out her bangs... slow process!

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